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The legend of Aisha-Bibi. -

The legend of Aisha-Bibi.

Сабақ жоспары | Документы | Қосымша сабақ жоспары Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 2555 | Размер: | Автор: гость
. Жанысбаева Лаззат Ондыбайқызы,
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы жалпы орта мектебінің ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі,
Бәйдібек ауданы
The theme: The legend of Aisha-Bibi.
The aims: 1.to develop pupils` speaking, using information about the traditional Kazakh legend of Aisha-Bibi;
2.to teach them to be polite;
3.to bring up patriots of our Motherland.
Organization: groups , individuals & pairs.
Preparation: Vocabulary – cards as many as there are students , work papers, sticks, placards.
Results: get useful information about history the legend of Aisha – Bibi, can use conversation about Otrar & Taraz & become more successful in protecting posters on the theme.
Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Russian, Geography, History.
Visual aids: maps, posters, cards, pictures, books, interactive board.
№ Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Times Activities
1 A. Greeting
B. Checking the attendance
2 m. Slide, sticks
2 Psychological exercise.
1.The teacher puts shapes on the board & asks the students choose one of the shapes.
2.Teacher tells them about their characters. Pupils choose the shapes and listen interesting information about them.

3 m.

Slide, sticks
3 Presentation.
Good morning! Today we shall speak about our country. Kazakhstan has always been a country of rich history, traditions and legends of free people. If you are ready we shall begin our lesson with the trip. We are in the airport. Ladies and Gentlemen! Passengers are invited to take their seats on Kazakhstan flight Otrar- Taraz .

5 m.

Active board, map.
Critical thinking.

Answer the questions (individual work)

1.Do you know any traditional Kazakh legends?

2.Information about city Otrar?

3.Historical information about city Taraz?

4.Historical mousoleums about Aisha-Bibi, Babdja Khatyn and Karakhan?

S1 Legend of Aisha- Bibi
There are 28 variations of legend of Aisha-Bibi. According to the most popular version, Aisha-Bibi was the daughter of well-known in 11 th century scholar and poet Karakim-Ata Suleiman Bakyrgani. After her father’s death, Aisha was brought up by Sheikh Aikhodzha (Zangi-Ata)

S2-Otrarsky settlement in the South Kazakhstan region. Settlement is located in the lower reaches of the river Aris where it flows into the Syr Darya River,10 km to the west of the railway station Timur, near the modern village of Talapty, 57 km south of Turkestan,120 km north-west of Shymkent.

S3-Taraz is a city and a center of the Jambyl Province in Kazakhstan. It is located in the south of Kazakhstan, near the border with Kyrgyzstan, on the Talas River (Taraz River).It has a population of 330.100(1999 census). Up 9% from 1989, making it one of the fastest-growing cities in the country, after Astana and Turkestan.

5 m.

5 m.

5 m. Active board,pictures.

Dialogical talking.
The teacher asks to make and show about Aisha-Bibi.
Pupils make and show about Aisha-Bibi
2 m.

Vocabulary work.
1.The teacher writes new words.
2.The teacher reads the dialogue. 1.The pupils do the vocabulary work.
2.Listen and read the dialogue.

3 m.

Conclusion of the lesson.
The comprehension check.
True or false quiz.
Air Kazakhstan thanks you for good journey and invites you to visit our country again.
Unfasten your seat belts! Good bye! Pupils do the tasks.
Page 35.

The students write reflections.

10 m.

2 m.
8 Comments on the marks. Pupils are marked with smiles. 2 m. Smiles, markers
9 Home task.
Find interesting historical stories. 1 m.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.