Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
A day at school. Education. -

A day at school. Education.

Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 2638 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие
. Date: The 11th of March
Theme: A day at school. Education.
Aims: 1. To introduce pupils with new theme, new words;
2. To develop their reading, writing and speaking habits in English;
3. To bring up human quality, to love and save friends, school and good knowledge.
Vision: book, slide, RWCT elements.
Stages: I. Org. moment. Stand up!
- Good morning, pupils.
- Good morning, teacher
- Who’s on duty today?
- Who’s absent?
II. Checking homework:
- What was your homework?
- Ex.7 p.125
III. New theme. Well pupils, we learn some types of schools in England and Kazakhstan. Before starting new theme we do comparing the schools:

New words:

 responsible [rispͻ] - жауапты
 prosperity [prͻsperiti] – гүлдену, өркендеу
 priority [praiͻriti] - басымдылық
 realize [riəlaiz] – ойлау, көзге елестету
 reform [rifͻ:m] – жақсарту, реформа
 top [tͻp] - төбе
 basic [beisik] – негізгі, басты
 content [kͻntent] - мазмұн
 method [meθəd] – әдіс, метод
 computerize [kəmpju:təraiz] - компьютерлеу
 create [krieit] – құру, жасау
 life-long [laiflͻŋ] – созылу; мәңгілік, өмірлік
 electronics [ilektrͻniks] – электроника
 electronic [ilektrͻnik] – электронды
 pillar [pilə] – бағана, тіреуіш
 foundation [faundeiʃən] – негіз, құру
 implementation [implimənteiʃn] – іске асыру, қолдану
 vision [viȝn] – көз, зеректік, көріну

Doing exercises: Read the text “A day at school” at p.125

Test yourself
1. … is the highest part of a thing.
a) Top b) basic c) method
2. … means the subject matter of a book, paper, document etc.
a) create b) content c) electronic
3. … is a branch of physics.
a) electronic b) electronics c) pillar
4. It means the act or action of starting the building or planting something.
a) basic b) create c) foundation
5. It means to use a computer to store information to
use it as a tool of education.
a) computers b) computerize c) knowledge

Answers: 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. b
Find new words:
Answers: horizontal: electronic, create, pillar, vision, reform, content, method; vertical: realize, top, basic.
Homework: Ex.5 p.127
Conclusion: 1. Giving marks pupils. 2. Good – bye, pupils.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.