Theme: Animals are in danger Animals are in danger.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 3151 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеAims of the lesson: to develop communicative skills and abilities trough different communicative activities. To encourage the use of the language in group and in pair work, to check pupils ability in using the words covered in the situation the living world, to check pupils ability in using the words covered in the situation “the living world”; to bring up love towards the environment and animals.
Visual aids: a tape recorder, textbook, pupils drawings, pictures, cards, an interactive board;
Type of the lesson: revision, competition
Methods of teaching: answer –question, association method, explanation, group work
Literature: Textbook, 7 form, typescript from the Teacher’s Resource book “Go-1”
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment
2. Warm-up
3. Checking-up home task
4. Phonetic drill
5. Presentation
6. Work with the sayings
7. Walking dictation
8. Vocabulary work
9. Reading for information
10. Writing. Doing tasks concerning the text.
11. Conclusion of the lesson. Mini-control.
12. Evaluation.
13. Home work
I. Organization moment:
a. Greeting b. Marking absents
II. Warm-up: A game “Who is the quickest ?” Pupils are divided into 2 groups: A and B. Groups name wild animals and domestic animals in turn.
T: I asked you to make your projects. You had to choose one animal, collect information about it and draw your own diagram. Let’s check your speaking skills. (pupils speaks with the help of diagram)
IV. Phonetic drill:
I love all kinds of animals:
Dogs, and cats, and rabbits
I love all kinds of animals
Despite their little habbits
If I had tons of money
Do you know what I would do?
I’d buy lots of animals
And have my own zoo.
V. Presentation: Today we have an unusual lesson. We’ll talk about wild and domestic animals. First of all answer my question:
▪What is the difference between wild and domestic animals?
▪What animal do people like to keep as pets?
▪ Do you have a cat or a dog?
▪ Describe your favorite animal?
VI. Work with the sayings.
T: As you know each animal has got its peculiarities and characteristics. Do you know the animal well? I’ll give you some cards. You must find suitable word.
Card 1
As a busy as (bee)
As strong as a (horse)
As greedy ad a (wolf)
As fat as a (pig)
As brave as a (lion)
Card 2
As quite as a (mouse)
As wise as an (owl)
As stubborn as a (mule)
As sly as a (fox)
As clumsy as an (elephant)
VII. Walking dictation:
T: It’s time to teach your writing skills in the form of a game “Walking” dictation”.
You see the words written on the pieces of paper and stuck to the wall, remember one name of the animal, come back and dictate the words to the other members of the group.
Group A: Whale, bat, cactus, rose, snowdrops, snake, wolf, dog, lizard, tiger.
Group B: Eagle, rat, birch, tulip, daisy, monkey, fox, cat, horse, rabbit.
VIII. Vocabulary work: humming-bird- құрқылтай
Ostriches- түйеқұс
Penguin- пингвин
Flipper- жүзу қанаттары
Sac – қапшық
Extend- созу, созылу
Swallow- қарлығаш
IX. Reading the texts for information
X. Doing tasks concerning the text. A game “yes” or “no”
▪ Birds are found in almost every part of the globe
▪ Ostriches and penguins can fly
▪ All birds lay eggs
▪ A hamming bird is a very big bird
▪ Birds don’t have excellent eyesight
▪ Some birds spent summer in one part of the world and winterin another part.
IX. Conclusion of the lesson. Mini-control.
T: In conclusion I want to ask some questions. So,:
* What kind of animals do you know?
* Name the wild animals
* Name the domestic animals
* Do you like flowers?
* Do we protect animals?
* Do we pollute the earth?
* Do you like the green world?
* Do you plant the trees?
T: You have worked very actively during the lesson. I thank everybody for you participation.
XII. Evaluation. Giving home work:
T: Your first tasks to learn by heart the new words and make-up sentences using them. And the second task to make-up a dialogue about animals.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.