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Are you worried about nature? -

Are you worried about nature?

Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1914 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие
. Are you worried about nature?
Grade: 7
The theme of the lesson: Are you worried about nature?
The aims of the lesson: Educational: to give information about the natural disasters of the world, to provide a framework for an improvised discussion, to develop pupils’ ability in analyzing materials at the lesson.
Developing: to train the pupils in researching the given task, in understanding the text, to enсourage them to speak own opinions using idiomatic phrases.
Training: to wake up the pupils’ sense to the nature, to the Earth and its pollution, to bring up for the safety, kindness and duty.
The methods: question-answering, training, testing, solving crossword, etc.
The type of the lesson: an open lesson, introduction of new material
Visual aids: an interactive board, slides, a projector, crosswords, cards, tables, diagram, etc.
Inter-subject connection: Geography, Biology, Kazakh,
The procedure of the lesson: 1.Organization moment: Greetings.
T. Good morning, students!
P. Good morning, teacher!
2. Warm-up: Now children, I want to ask you some questions.
1. What season is it now?
2. What’s the weather like today?
3. How many months are there in autumn?
4. What are they?
T. All right children. Let us begin our lesson.
3. Phonetic practice: At first listen the rhyme “The environment” and then learn it together:
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
And I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
4. Presentation of the new theme: What is the name of our planet?
P1. Earth is our planet. Nowadays 6 billion people live in our planet. During Earth’s long history, evolution has produced many new kinds of animals. At the same time, many species have become extinct.
It is the place where we live, the things around us, such us forest, animals, flowers, seas, lakes, mountains, sand, etc. Nature is divided into two groups: living things and non-living things.
P2.Today some of the world’s largest and most impressive animals, such us, tiger, black rhino and giant panda, are now so rare that they are endangered. In just 10 or 20 years’ time, we will see them only in the zoo. Many other animals will be in serious trouble if their numbers continue to fall.
Endangered planet.
You know that people live in flats and houses. Animals live in different places: tropical forests, rivers, desert, savannah and steppes.
Look at this diagram: “Our Home” (in the form of a house where the title is on the middle and each zone is in the windows).
4. The new words: domestic animals and wild animals.
Forest: Bear, fox, rabbit, snake, trees, mushrooms, berries, song, birds.

Jungles: Bananas, monkey, tiger, panther, hippopotamus, birds.
Ocean: Whale, crab, shark, fish, seaweed, dolphin, coral, starfish.
Mountains: Sheep, birds, snake, flowers, mouse, eagle, mountain goat.
Savannah: Elephant, zebra, lion, trees, giraffe.
Lake: Frog, snake, fish, weed.
Steppe: Wolf, snake, fox, mouse, grass, trees, flowers, rabbits, mosquito.
Desert: Snake, reptile, camel, scorpion, thorns.
River: Fish, crocodile, beaver, alga.

5. а\ About animals of Kazakhstan:
- There are a vast and varied collection of wild animals in Kazakhstan.
There are 178 species of mammals, 500 species of birds, 49 species of reptiles, 104 species of fishes.
I want to introduce you with the wild animals and domestic animals. Look at these pictures. We divide these animals into:
1. mammals- сүт қоректілер
2. birds- құстар классы:

Parrots sparrow Bustard Pelican

Penguins Cranes Bat
3. cats-мысық тұқымдастар
Snow leopard, tiger, jaguar, lion
4. reptiles- бауырымен жорғалаушылар

Frog snake lizard
These animals feed their young with milk.
They can fly.
Animals which are like the cats.
What animals are these: crocodiles, snakes, tortoises and etc.
b\ To defend and care them:
-In this book there are many animals. There are many fish, birds and animals. They are in danger. We must defend these animals, because they are very rare or extinct. We have in our land 8 reserves. They are: Aksu-Zhabagaly, Almaty, Markhakol, the West Altay, Khorgalzhyn, Nauryzym, Barsakelmes, Ustirt.
In the future will be created another 9 reserves. They are Karatau, Betpakdala, Torgay. Alakol, Zhongar, Zaysan, Balkhash River, Khysylkhum and Ereimentau. In these reserves are many animals and people work with animals all day.
c\ About the Red Book:
Many of these animals are in danger. Many of them are very rare or extinct. They are dying, because man had destroyed their homes. You know that a lot of forests are damaged, so these creatures are in danger. Every ten minutes one kind of animals or plant or insect disappears. The wild animals have no space to move, no grass to eat, no water to drink

Tulip Grage Tulip Kaufman sagebrush Fir-tree
d\ It’s interesting to know….
• 15,000,000 big cats – tigers, snow leopards, jaguars and lynxes – are killed every year for their skin. Their skin is used to make fur coats and jackets which are sold at a very high price, quality lynx coat, for example, costs at least $10,000. The main exporter of cat skins is South America, and they are imported by the United States and Japan.
• 8 big cats are killed to make one fur coat.
• Only several hundreds of rhinos are left in Asia.
• About 3,000,000 kangaroos are hunted every year.
• Before 1900s 60 million buffalos were killed.
• Over 40,000 monkeys are caught every year.
• In the early 1900s about 300 dolphins and 30 sea turtles were poisoned by water pollution every year.
• Today many elephants in Africa are dying because they do not have enough food to eat and space to live.

Endangered Animals and Ocean Species in Our Planet.
There is a big zoo in Shymkent. I think it is interesting to go to the zoo, but I also find it depressing. I don’t think that people ought to put animals in those cages. Animals should be living in nature. But they got treatment in the zoo. Probably they have become used to the zoo and could not live in nature now.

The Big Panda is the emblem of the World Wild Fund (WWF).
6. Consolidation: a) Find a secret word: Save the nature.
Resource Protect Monkey
Balance Earth Animal
Beaver Elephant Turtle
Desert Jungle
Solving crossword. Nature
b) Answering the questions:
1) Animals are classified into…(amphibians, birds, mammals, invertebrates, reptiles, fish.)
2) The biggest animal in the world is…(a whale)
3) Nature is divided into two groups …. (living and non-living things).
4) Tree is a living thing and soil is …(non-living thing).
5) A horse is a … animal (domestic).
6) A fox is a … animal (wild).
7) Amphibians are… (frog, salamander…)
8) Birds are… (swan, sparrow, swallow, pelican, falcon, eagle,…etc)
9) Invertebrates are… (fly, bee, butter fly, scorpion, spider,…etc)
10) We live on ….(Earth)
7. Work with Grammar on computer: a\The Present Perfect Tense
Your task’s to find the past participles of these irregular and regular verbs.
8. Conclusion: Sink wane: 1. Noun; 2.Adjective; 3.Verb; 4.Sentence
5. Write about the environment. How would you help it?
We know that the Earth is our common home, a big green home. And all its inhabitants – people, animals and birds – need to live in peace and harmony. We must take care of the Earth for next generations. We must keep our environment clean.
“A child’s wish”
I want to live and not to die!
I want to laugh and not to cry!
I want to feel the summer sun,
I want to sing when life is fun.
I want to fly into the flue shy,
I want to swim as fishes do.
I want to live and not to die and not to cry!
We must love and protect our Earth. Its our human duties.
9. Homework: Your home work will be
A\ to learn by heart the new words on the theme;
b\ To read the text at page 76 and translate it .
c\ Conjugate 5 verbs in the Present Perfect.
10.Evaluation: Checking works of students and giving marks for the lesson

Know Want to know Learnt
What do you know about the lesson we have today? What do you want to know for the next lesson? About endangered animal and reserves of Kazakhstan.

11.Summary: Dear pupils, thank you for your work. The lesson is over.

Let’s end our lesson with the motto of the British students:
“Good – better – best,
May you never rest.
Until your good is better,
And your better is best! See you later! Good-bye!
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