Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
. Theme Art
Form 9 Date 16.10.15
Aim to enrich pupils’ vocabulary; Working with texts; working out a questionnaire
Aid Reading short texts; matching; sharing opinions
Result Respect each other’s opinions; to know about art
Recourse English 9 form
Introduction Art gives people the ideas that life could be more beautiful, bigger and better. Art is everywhere – on the streets, in the cinemas, on TV.
Presentation Exercise 3. Put the correct word
on at to by of about
a) I often go _____ discos and parties.
b) We stayed ___ a cheap hotel.
c) She sunbathes ___ the beach.
d) I’m very keen ___ music.
e) I spend a lot of time ____ concerts.
f) I often go ___ concerts.
g) He stays ____ his aunt’s.
h) He wants to learn ___ other countries.
i) I’m very fond ___ the open air.
j) We stopped ____ campsite.
k) They prefer to be close ____ nature.
l) I’m going there ___ plane.
Exercise 4. Matching
I couldn’t answer the questions
I was angry
I was pleased
I was tired
My father is furious
My mother was worried because
I had
hadn’t eaten all day.
studied well.
slept badly.
visited him for a long time.
passed my driving test.

Main part Exercise 5.
1. They ran out of food. Paul had a party the night before. They ran out of food because Paul had had a party the night before.
2. The class was empty. Everybody went home early.
3. She found the book. Marat told them where it was.
4. We got up early. My aunt told us she was coming to see us at ten.
5. He had an argument with Mary. She didn’t send him the money.
6. She couldn’t go to the canteen. She left her pocket-money at home.
Exercise 9
1. Boys again leadership by
a) Caring and sharing
b) Voting democratically
c) Giving orders
2. Boys often argue about
a) Who wins and loses
b) Playing with dolls
c) Stories and jokes
3. Girls like to play
a) In large groups
b) In pairs, in small groups
c) Games with leaders
Conclusion Exercise 8
Mark Formative
Reflex Speak own opinion
Homework Exercise 7
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.