Theme: Celebrating Holidays. Celebrating Holidays.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 2118 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеObjectives:
1. To enrich the pupils knowledge giving them more information about British holidays.
2. to develop communicative skills and habits through different communicative activities.
3.to create the interest in studying, reading and writing.
Visual aids: a computer, charts, slides, cards
Methods: complex work, question- answer.
Procedure of the lesson:
a) Organization moment
Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
Who is on duty today?
I am on duty today.
Who is absent?
All are present.
What ‘s the date today?
The 25thof January.
What day today?
Today on Friday.
b) Checking the attendance
What was your home task for today?
Are you ready?
Who wants answer me?
c) Phonetic drill
That’s right. At first listen to me then repeat after me: T Ch P1 P2
We are pumpkins
We have come to Halloween
We have become the symbol here.
And we welcome all you in.
Answer the my questions:
1. What ,s your favorite holiday?
2. What do you usually in holiday?
People in every country celebrate holidays. Although a holiday means a “ holly day”, most holidays in Great Britain are not religious but commemorative in nature and origin.
Now look at the blackboard.
New words:
Decorate - сәндеу, безендіру
Celebrate - тойлау
Costume - костюм
Turkey - күркетауық
Pie - бәліш
d) New lesson
Well done I see that you English poems and today we, ll continue to speak about British holidays.
January 1- New Year Holiday. People in Britain celebrate this holiday in January. Sometimes they have parties where guests dress up in costumes and cover their faces with masks. Next day people visit friends, relatives, neighbours.
March 22 - New Year Holiday People celebrate this holiday in March in Kazakhstan. People have “kozhe”, “baursak”, drink “kymyz” and “shubat”. Over 100 nationalities celebrate this holiday. They love it.
October 31 - Halloween. It, s a holiday for children in Britain. Children dressed in costumes knock on their neighbours, doors and ask: “trick” or ”treat?”. Give them ” a treat”, ( money, or sweets). They go away.
November – Thanksgiving Day. On this day families in the USA gather together usually in a home for a traditional dinner. They have a roast turkey, sweet potatoes and a pumpkin pie. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.
People in many countries decorate Christmas trees and give each other presents. Children leave a long sock or stocking at the end of the bed on December 24. They hope that Santa Claus will come down the chimney during the night and bring them presents. The special food is a big turkey and Christmas pudding.
e) Practice
Let, s do an exercises .
Read the text one by one.
ex 3. Find the following words and complete the chart.
New year , Thanksgiving Day, Nauriz, wear costumes, baursak, drink kymyz a roast turkey, money, pudding, masks, Halloween, kozhe, sweets, flours, pie, shubat,
Look at the blackboard there are electron book and you must doing exercises. English 3, grammar>activities3…….. check test
f) Evolution I,ll give you marks your mark is……ex, good, sat.
g) Home task p 120, ex3e
h) Conclusion:
Secondary school after named Gagarin
Celebrating Holidays
Prepared by: Audanbayeva Zhanagul
2013 year
Theme: Which room do you like?
The objectives of the lesson:
1. The educational objectives : to teach pupils to describe their own house and rooms, to enrich their vocabulary;
2. The development objectives: to develop pupil,s ability in pair work and individual activity, to enlarge speaking and thinking abilities..
3. The bringing-up objectives: to bringing-up the feeling of love towards the family and to take care of their houses.
Visual aids: a computer, slides, pictures
Methods: .
Procedure of the lesson:
a) Organization moment
Good morning children!
Good morning teacher!
Who is on duty today?
I am on duty today.
Who is absent?
All are present.
What ‘s the date today?
The 14th of February.
What day is it today?
Today on Wednesday.
b) Checking the attendance
What was your home task for today?
Are you ready?
c) Phonetic drill
That’s right. At first listen to me then all together repeat after me: T Ch P1 P2
Good morning , good morning
Good morning to you.
Good morning , good morning,
I am glad to see you.
New theme:
Let,s begin our lesson. Our today ,s theme is “ Which room do you like?” We are going to speak about the kitchen, the living room, the bedroom and their furniture; to ask and answer questions, play games and so on.
We have a new words. At first listen to me and repeat all together after me:
A washing machine-[w כֿſiŋmə,ſ:n]-
A bed- [ bed]-
Acooker- [kukə]-
A carpet- [׳ka:pit ]-
A dishwasher-[׳diſ‚wכֿſə ]-
Cupboards- [׳k۸bəd ]-
Vacuum cleaner- [ ׳vækjuəm ׳kli׃nə]-
Game: “ Being flies”
Reading the text: ‘ My room’
It is a modern house. There is one window in my room. In front of the desk there is a chair. There are two pictures on the wall. There is a bed near the wall and there is a lamp above it. Near the wall there is a table with a telephone on it. There is a sofa near the door and there is a cat on the sofa.
All right and let, s play the game. You must being words about house
Complete the chart with photos.
Window , desk, picture, sofa, table, bed, lamp, carpet, pillow, clock, dishwasher, plate, cup, cupboard, chair, cooker.
Complete the sentences:
I take the ………..and clean the floor and …………
My mother is washig the dress in the …………..
I make my ………..
My sister is washing the dishes in the ……
Describe your dream house. Put your pictures in house.
Home task: to learn by heart the new words.
For today I,ll give you some marks. Your mark is ex, good, sad.
The lesson is over you are free. Good- bye!
A washing machine-[w כֿſiŋmə,ſ:n]-
A bed- [ bed]-
A cooker- [kukə]-
A carpet- [׳ka:pit ]-
A dishwasher-[׳diſ‚wכֿſə ]-
Cupboards- [׳k۸bəd ]-
Vacuum cleaner- [ ׳vækjuəm ׳kli׃nə]-
It is a modern house. There is one window in my room. In front of the desk there is a chair. There are two pictures on the wall. There is a bed near the wall and there is a lamp above it. Near the wall there is a table with a telephone on it. There is a sofa near the door and there is a cat on the sofa.
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