Есекеева Жаңыл Серікқазықызы ағылшын тілі мұғалімі Cinema and video.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 2998 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеШҚО Семей қаласы, Бұлақ жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі
The form: 9
The theme: Cinema and video
The aims : Оқушылар фильм және видеофильм . кинотеатр жайлы алған білімдерін толықтырады, сөйлесуге, өз ойларын айтуға үйренеді.
2. Есте сақтау, ауызша сөйлесу , сұхбаттасу дағдылары қалыптасады , сөздік қорлары кеңейеді, оқу белсенділіктері артады.
3. Танымдылық ой- өрістері кеңейеді, кино өнеріне деген қызығушылықтары артады , мәдениеттіліке тәрбиеленеді.
The visual: суреттер, сөздіктер, кесте , проектор.
The lesson: бекіту сабағы
The method: ой ашар сұрақтары, топтастыру, сұқбат, топтық жұмыс, кесте.
I. Organization
Who is on duty today? What date is it today ?
Who is absent at the lesson?
II. Warm- up Children, how do you think what about are you going to speak today?
How do you usually spend your leisure time? (Class divided in two groups)
Leisure activities
III. Completing the table (Slide, 1)
Many of you spend your free time watching TV or going to the cinema
- Where can you see films?
- What films or TV programms do you like to watch?
Complete the table ( write kinds of films and programs)
Films TV. programs
About sport.. Talk show
Game show
Soap operas…
IV. Match the definitions
• a. News - information about what is happening
• b. quiz - shows -
• c. soap operas -
• d. travel films -
• e. Comedies -
• f. Sport -
• g.educational -
• h.nature films -
• j.crime -
V. Speaking
Making up dialogue ( they ask each other and give reasons)
What films or programs do you like ? Why ?
Translate and use these Adjectives
Relaxing Useful
Exciting Funny
Amusing Boring Interesting
I like to watch films about ….. because it is useful. You can relax . VI. Cinemas in Semey (slide, 2)
VII Quizzes ( slide, 3) ( teams give questions each other)
What kind of cinemas have you known?
Do you often go to the cinema ?
Is cinema going popular in your city?
Is cinema regular habit for many people?
Who usually goes regular?
How do people know which films are on?
What are the kazakh popular films?
Where can you buy tickets?
What film do you like the best of all?
Who is your favorite actor or actress ?
What foreign famous actors do you know ?
IX Giving the definitions Vocabulary work
What does mean these Verbs ?
To hire to ruin
To replay to copy
To recorder to pirate
Grammar Past Perfect
When I (come )to the cinema the film ( begin) already…
When we ( meet) Saule she ( buy) a ticket to the new film before
After we (finish) our lesson our boys (go) to the theatre.
When I (see) my sister she (be) at the night video club.
X Completing the chart
Write advantage and disadvantage of watching film in video and
at the cinema
In video At the Cinemas
Films at the cinema
Advantage Disadvantage
You may go any time
You get good effect
You can buy ticket
You can rest There is too much crime and violence
A few people
Some films are boring
Children what about have you spoken at the lesson ?
Do you like the lesson ?
Do you think films educate people ?
What good qualities can you get from film?
What kind of cinemas have you known?
Do films improve you cultural level ?
Giving marks You have shown your knowledge at English .
You get …. Mark for the lesson.
Home task
Write your home task down P. Ex. 5
The lesson is over. Good buy.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.