Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
. The work out of the 3”a” form. The theme : Days of the week.
Iobjectives: 1.taking new theme ,revise the vocabulary and grammar
2.develop pupils` reading, writing habits and skills, practice grammar ,motivate and stimulate pupils` ideas
3.make the pupils` respect each other`s opinions,thoughts,bring up their interests
Language material: Days of the week.Exercise 1,2,3.
Visualaids: Interactive board,cards
The methods: group and individual work,question and answers
The type :new lesson
Interbjectivelink :Kazakh,music
The outline of the lesson
I.Organization moment
II.Checking up the homework
III.Presentation of the new lesson
IV.Practise.Grammar and vocabulary
V.Production working on the dialogue
VII.Home work
The procedure of the lesson
I.Organization moment
Greeting with the pupils
II.Checking up home work
Exercise 3.page 42
Exercise 2.page 45
2.Write the letters and find the words.Checking up vocabulary
Solve the rebus
doctor ```` car` `by `` bus
d a y s
IV.New lesson “ Days of the week”
New words
Wednesday [wenzdi]сәрсенбі
Thursday [θԑ:zdi]бейсенбі
Friday [fraidi]жұма
Saturday [sætidi]сенбі
Task.The song “ Daysof the week”
Preposition with the days
onon Monday . I go to school on Monday
on Thursday.
at 7 o`clock in a hospital,by bus on foot
Task IPut the right prepositions in,on,by,at.
1.Ann is a doctor
2.She goes to work _____ 6 o`clock
3.She goes to work _____ taxi.
4.She works ____ a hospital
5.Pete goes to school ____ foot.
6.____ Sunday Bob watches TV in the morning.
V. Production Dialogue
1.What’s your job?
-I’m a waiter
When do you work?
-I work on Tuesday,Wednesday,Friday and Saturday. I don’t work on Monday or Thursday.
-Do you work on Sunday?
No, I don’t
2. What’s your job?
-I’m a nurse
When do you work?
I work on Monday,Wednesday,Friday and Sunday
I don’t work on Tuesday or Saturday.
-What about Thursday?
-No,I don’t work on Thursday.
3. What’s your job?
-I’m a shopkeeper.
When do you work?
-I work on Tuesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday.
I don’t work on Monday or Wednesday.
Do you work on Sunday?
-Yes,I do.
Exercise 2. Write
Waiter Nurse shopkeeper
Monday x
Tuesday v
Wednesday v
Thursday x
Friday v
Saturday v
Sunday x

He works on Tuesday,Wedesday,Friday,Saturday
He doesn’t work on Monday,Thursday,Sunday.
VI. Game.Put necessary verbs. Disk.8.b
VII. Consolidation
1.__Sunday she plays tennis
a) in b)on c)by
2.They go to school __ bus
a)in b)on c)by
3.Bob works up __ 7 o’clock
a)in b)at c)by
4.The teacher comes home __ foot
a)on b)at c)in
5.The nurse __ work on Saturday
a)don’t b)doesn’t c)does

Answers: 1.b2.c3.b4.a5.b

VIII. Marks
IX. Home work.Exercise.2. page. 43
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.