Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
. Ақтөбе облысы Байғанин ауданы №3 Қарауылкелді орта мектебінің І санатты ағылшын тілі пәні мұғалімі Ахметова Айсулу Асылбековнаның 6 класта АКТ технологиясы негізінде электронды оқулық пайдалану арқылы топтық үлгіде білім мен іскерлік дағдыны меңгертуге , оқушының диалогтық сөйлеуін дамыту мақсатында өткізген ашық сабағы. Grade 6th The Theme of the Lesson: Food and drinks Objectives of the Lesson: Educational: to explain the use of pronouns of some, many, much with countable and uncountable nouns; Developing: to repeat and fasten the studied material, work at development of dialogic speech, study new lexical values, structures; Bringing up: to inoculate interest in studying of English language.. Method of lesson : heuristic,partly- searching, conversation Form of the lesson : lesson-dialogue Type of lesson : Presentation and Consolidation of studied materials Equipment: pictures, crosswords, chart, slides, e-book, cards The Procedure of the Lesson: I. Organization moment. -Good morning. -Sit down. -How are you? -Who is on duty? -I am on duty. -Who is absent? .......is absent. What's the date today? -Friday, the 4th of October What did you have for breakfast? II. Brainstorming. Today we begin to study new Unit on the topic "Food and drinks " First we repeat and fasten the studied material from the last year. • Vocabulary-2 We work at the pronunciation of new words and learn by heart their meanings. • Listen to the speaker and repeat new words. chicken , eggs, juice, cake, mineral water, milk, chocolate, fish, soup, butter, cheese, sausage, meat • Listen to the speaker and repeat new words pear, banana,pineapple,plum, peach,watermelon, cucumber, grapes, lemon , orange,tangerine, carrot, tomato, beetroot, mushrooms, potato, potato, onion, cabbage III. Practice. Doing activities (e-book) Activity 1. Help Winnie and Piggy. They don't know fruit and vegetables. It is an apple. These are... (potatoes) (Оқушылар жеміс пен көкөністерді ажыратып салып береді) vegetables cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, beetroot, onion, tomatoes , potatoes , watermelon fruit lemon, fruit, grapes, plum, apple, lemon, pears, pineapple, bananas, oranges, peach V. Listening. Аудирование. Practice the dialogues in persons. (The teacher distributes dialogues, children prepare in pairs, and then act them). S1 : S2 VI. Presentation. Using Countable and Uncountable Nouns T: In English Grammar , words that refer to people, places or things are called nouns. They can be classified in many ways. Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form. Most countable nouns become plural by adding an 's' at the end of the word. On the board. For example: I have two friends. I have a friend. I want milk. I want a glass of milk. I bought some oranges. I bought three oranges. I bought some rice. Slide 7 Grammar tips-1 Grammar tips-2 Мany, much, a lot of Countable Uncountable many sweets much cheese many carrots much chocolate many glasses of milk. much milk a lot of milk. a lot of cups of tea. Slide-8 Activity-1. Help Michael to fill the fridge. You can put ONLY uncountable things there. Activity-2 Make up sentences.e-book (Writing on the blackboard) How many How much eggs bread apples cup of tea salad sweets jam glasses of juice mushrooms do does you he she eat drink at breakfast at dinner at lunch every day Pupil 1: How many apples do you eat every day? Pupil2: How much glasses of juice does your friend drink at dinner?... Activity-3. from e-book. Put much and many into the blanks. (doing exercises orally) 1. Michael has got many friends. 2. How many lessons have you got every Monday? 3. Don't put much sugar into coffee. 4. I can't eat so much chocolate! VII. Work in Groups . I hand out to pupils a sheet of a paper with Food and Drinks. a) Use a, an or some and write C for countable or U for uncountable . some money U ------- pounds ----- ___ cup of tea _____ ___ bar of chocolate ___ ___ice-cream ______ ____ rice_______ ___glass of water ___ ____coffee ____ ____ cake _____ ____ eggs _____ ____ orange_____ ___bunch of grapes ___ ___coins _____ ____ apple _____ ____salt _____ b) Look at the words and select them into the right category Water, bread, sugar, tea, milk, oranges, cheese, coffee, eggs, a loaf of bread, a cup of tea, peach, butter, grapes, lemons, pineapples, a bar of xchocolate. Countable ____________________ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ ___________________ ___________________ Uncountable ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ _________________________ _______________________ ________________________ Then they correct their answers. Correct answers. cool Countable Uncountable lemons oranges eggs grapes peach a bar of chocolate a loaf of bread a cup of tea water bread sugar tea milk chicken cheese butter honey VIII. Individual work with the week pupils. Card №1 I like an , but I don't like a . Card №2 I like , but I don't like . Card №3 I like drinking , but I don't like drinking . VII. Conclusion. What have you learnt at the Lesson? P: We can use much, some with uncountable nouns and many, some with countable nouns. We know the names of food and drinks. We can make up sentences. When we use countable and uncountable nouns , we'll pay attention to articles and adjectives. Activity-3. (from Vocabulary) Guessing crosswords. Find 10 words and write them down. Pictures can help you. a t o w k h p j b e x y e g k t d a g a t o n m p p l a t e i v e o a c l z f a c t s u e f e s k t s p o o n r s a u c e r z a m w n a p k i n kettle VIII. Evaluation of pupils. Home task : To revise all vocabulary and make up dialogues.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.