Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
«Great Britain’s Holidays». -

«Great Britain’s Holidays».

Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 2400 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие
. Қазақстан Республикасы Білім және ғылым министрлігі
Құқық және бизнес колледжі

директордың оқу ісі
жөніндегі орынбасары
____ Бекмухамбетова М.Б.
«¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬___»_______2014 ж.

0201000 «Құқықтану»
0516000 «Қаржы»
0518000 «Есеп және аудит»
1304000 «Есептеу техникалары мен
бағдарламамен қамтамасыз ету» мамандықтары үшін
«Шетел тілі» пәнінен ФУП-11 тобында өткізілетін
ашық сабақтың жоспары
Тақырыбы: «Great Britain’s Holidays»

Оқытушы: Матенова Бахытгүл
Жалпы білім беру ПЦК
отырысында қарастырылған
Хаттама № « » « » 2014ж
ПЦК төрайымы:_________
Матенова Б.А.

Семей 2014ж.
Күні: 28.02.2014ж.
Пәні: Шет тілі
Топ: ФУП-11
Сабақтың тақырыбы: «Great Britain’s Holidays » .
Сабақтың мақсаты: Өтілген тақырып бойынша Ұлттық мерекелер, соның ішінде Қазақстанның мерекелері туралы қайталау, үй тапсырмысы бойынша «Kazakh holidays» тақырыбында әр түрлі тапсырмалар орындау, жаңа тақырып бойынша «Great Britain’s Holidays» тақырыбында оқушыларға білім беру, әр түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы білім деңгейлерін тексеру.
Сабақтың міндеттері:
Білімділік: 1) Британияның мерекелері туралы оқушыларға білім беру, олардың білімдарін жарыс сабақ түрінде әр түрлі тапсырмалар беру арқылы бекіту.
2) Ауыз – екі сөйлеуде өтілген материалдарды қолдану.
Тәрбиелік: Туған елдің және Британияның дәстүрін, мерекелерін сыйлауға, пәнге деген қызығушылыққа, ұйымшылдыққа, іскерлікке, белсенділікке тәрбиелеу.

Дамытушылық: 1) Оқушылардың сөздік қорларын молайту, ой - өрістерін, дүниетанымын кеңейту.
2) Оқушылардың мәтінді тыңдап түсінуге, аударуға, қатесіз оқуға дағдыларын жетілдіру.
3) Оқушылардың шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамыту.
4) Оқушылардың сұрақ – жауап, ауыз – екі сөйлеу арқылы сөйлеу мәдениетін жетілдіру.

Сабақтың түрі: жарыс сабақ

Сабақтың әдіс – тәсілі: оқушыларды өздігінен жұмыс істеуге ұйымдастыру

Техникалық құрал: интерактивті тақта, электронды оқулық.

Көрнекіліктер: плакат, үлестірмелі карточкалар, таблица

Әдебиеттер: Ағылшын тілі, 11сынып, Т. Аяпова 18-23беттер, Алматы «Мектеп» 2007 қосымша әдістемелік әдебиеттер жинағы, электронды оқулық.
Пән аралық байланыс: Әдебиет, тарих, география

Сабақтың жоспары:
I. Ұйымдастыру кезеңі;
a. greetings;
b. marking absentees;
II. Сабақтың мақсатын айту;
Phonetic drill:
III. Үй тапсырмасын сұрау;
«Who is champion?» марафон (жарыс) сабақ.
I-round. «Presentation»
II- round. «Coloured dream» Сиқырлы сөзді тап!
III-round. Home work. «Interesting holidays of Kazakhstan»
Group: A: «Independence day of Kazakhstan»
Group: B: «Women’s Day»
Group: C: «Nauryz»
IV- round. Ойын: «The Auction» (Сұрақ-жауап)
IV. Жаңа тақырыпты түсіндіру;
The theme of the lesson: «Great Britain’s Holidays»
a. Presentation (интерактивті тақтадан слайд көрсетіледі)
b. Study the active vocabulary;
V-round. «Welcome to British Holidays!»
1. «Who are the best artists?» сурет салу
Group: A: «Halloween»
Group: B: «Merry Christmas»
Group: C: «St.Valentine’s Day»
2. Text: «British Holidays»(мәтіннің аудармасын құрастыру арқылы табады)
3. Match the words;
V. Жаңа сабақты бекіту;
VI- round. «Let’s check up our knowledge!»
1. Тест (15- сұрақтан тұрады)
2. Crossword.
3. Draw the «Venn diagram».
VII- round. «Hill» ( «Сhampion»-Сөзіне тақырыпқа байланысты сөз құрау)
VI. Үйге тапсырма беру;
VII. Оқушыларды бағалау;

The procedure of the lesson:
I.Org. moment:
a. greetings;
b. marking absentus;

II.Сабақтың мақсатын айту;

Phonetic drill:

ІII.Checking up the home-task:

IV. The main part of the lesson.

V. Concluding stage:

VI. Giving the home task;

VII. Giving the marks; Іс-әрекет-Activity

T-CL-Good morning, boys and girls! How are you? Are you fine today? OK!
T-CL-I’m very well. Thank you. You know today we have open lesson. You must be active on the lesson.
- We all greet our guests, welcome to our lesson. OK!
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today in class?
T-CL-What date is it today?
What day is it today?
What is the weather like today?
Do you like such kind of weather?
How many seasons are there in a year?
What season is it now?
Do you like winter?

Сабақтың мақсаты: Өтілген тақырып бойынша Ұлттық мерекелер, соның ішінде Қазақстанның мерекелері туралы қайталау, үй тапсырмысы бойынша «Kazakh holidays» тақырыбында әр түрлі тапсырмалар орындау, жаңа тақырып бойынша «Great Britain’s Holidays» тақырыбында оқушыларға білім беру, әр түрлі тапсырмалар арқылы білім деңгейлерін тексеру.
T-CL- Now children we have competition lesson.

-The theme of the competition is: «Who is champion? » It consists of 7-rounds.
T-CL-Today we will learn the new tongue-twister. It is a rhyme.
• I like the bells on Christmas Day
Their old familiar cards play
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
T-CL-Repeat it after me.
Repeat it one more time.
I-round. «Presentation»
II- round. «Coloured dream» Сиқырлы сөзді тап!
III-round. Home work. «Interesting holidays of Kazakhstan»
Group: A: «Independence day of Kazakhstan»
Group: B: «Women’s Day»
Group: C: «Nauryz»
IV- round. Ойын: «The Auction» (Сұрақ-жауап)
V-round. «Welcome to British Holidays!»
1. «Who are the best artists?» сурет салу
Group: A: «Halloween»
Group: B: «Merry Christmas»
Group: C: «St.Valentine’s Day»
2. Text: «British Holidays» (мәтіннің аудармасын құрастыру арқылы табады)
3. Match the words;
VI- round. «Let’s check up our knowledge!»
1. Тест (15- сұрақтан тұрады)
2. Crossword.
3. Draw the «Venn diagram».
VII- round. «Hill» ( Капитандар сайысы, «Сhampion» -сөзіне тақырыпқа байланысты сөз құрау)

- I’ll divide you 3 groups.
1- Group: A:
2- Group: B:
3- Group: C

-OK! What was your home-task for today?
-To protect................
- Let's start our competition lesson: «Who is champion? »
I-round. «Presentation» (әр топ өздерін таныстырады)
1- Group: A:
2- Group: B:
3- Group: C
II- round. «Coloured dream» Сиқырлы сөзді тап!
(Шарты: Түрлі-түсті қағазда әріптер жазылған. Ойынның кілтін табу керек)

III-round. Home work. «Interesting holidays of Kazakhstan! »
Group: A: «Independence day of Kazakhstan»
Group: B: «Woman’s Day»
Group: C: «Nauryz»

IV- round. Ойын: «The Auction» (Сұрақ-жауап)

1. How many public holidays in Kazakhstan? (They are: «Women’s Day», Victory Day, The Day of Constitution, Independence Day, The New Year’s Day, Qurban Ait , Nauryz , etc.)
2. In what month is Kazakh’s New Year’s Day celebrated? (The 22nd of March)
3. When is the “People’s Unity Day” celebrated? (The 1st of May.)
4. What is the main traditional meal of the “Nauryz holidays”? (“Nauryz kozhe”)
5. How many ingredients is “Nauryz kozhe” consisting of? (1.water, 2. salt, 3. meat, 4. airan, 5. Rice or wheat, 6. 7. )
6. When and how is the “Victory Day” celebrated? (Victory Day is celebrated on the 9th of May. War Veterans are congratulated on this day. There are meetings and parades on central squares of cities. )
7. What kind of national games do you know? (Kyz kuu, altyn saka, Kokpar ect.)
8. What are the Kazakh traditional dishes? (beshbarmak, kuyrdak, baursaks, kumyz ect.)
9. When is the “The Day of Independence” and “The Day of Constitution” celebrated? (The 16th of December, The 30th of August)

The theme of the lesson: «Great Britain’s Holidays»
T: - So we are going to speak about “British Holidays”. Although “holiday” means ‘the holy and day’. There are only 6 public holidays a year in Great Britain that is days on which people need not to go for work. They are: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Spring Bank Holiday and last Summer Bank Holiday. In Scotland the New Year s Day Is also a public holiday. ……

V-round. «Welcome to British Holidays!»
1. «Who are the best artists?» (оқушылар берілген тақырыпқа 3-минуттың ішінде сурет салу керек, музыка ойнап тұрады)
Group: A: «Halloween»
Group: B: «Merry Christmas»
Group: C: «St. Valentine’s Day»
2. Text: «British Holidays» (мәтіннің аудармасын құрастыру арқылы табады)
3. Match the words;
1. On this day people usually visit their friends. There is a lot of dancing and eating. In Scotland people bring a piece of coal for good luck in the_____________. New Year Day
2. People make or buy cards and send them to people they love._________ St. Valentine’s Day
3. At ___________ children eat chocolate eggs. Sometimes parents hide them in the house or in the garden and children look for them. Easter
4. They say ghosts and witches come out on _________. Children make lanterns out of pumpkins. Some people dress as witches and ghosts. Halloween
5. ____________is cel¬ebrated on the last Monday in May. It is an official holiday, when all the offices are closed and people don't go to work. Many people go to the country on this day and have picnics. Spring Bank Holiday
6. ¬¬¬¬¬-------------------is one of the most popular festivals in Britain. It commemo¬rates the discovery of the so-called Gunpowder Plot, and is widely celebrated all over the country. The story goes that there was a plot to destroy the Houses of Parliament and kill King James-I during the ceremony of opening Parliament on November 5, 1605. Guy Fawkes Night
VI- round. «Let’s check up our knowledge!»
A.Тест (15- сұрақтан тұрады)
1. How do people celebrate the New Year?
A. 1st of January. Many people have New Year parties. +
B. 3rd of January. Many people have not New Year parties.
C. 4th of January. Many people go to the church.
D. 5th of January. Many people go to the school.
E. 2nd of January. Many people do not go to the anywhere.
2. When is St. Valentine's Day cel¬ebrated?
A. 11th of February
B. 12th of February
C. 18th of February
D. 14th of February +
E. 13th of February
3. Who celebrates Easter? What do people cel¬ebrate on this day?
A. Easter is a Christian holiday in February, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to church.
B. Easter is a Christian holiday in March or April, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to church and then having a celebration dinner. +
C. Easter is a Christian holiday in May, when Queens’ remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to school.
D. Easter is not a Christian holiday in March or April, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to office.
E. Easter is not a Christian holiday in March or April.
4. When is the May Spring Festival cel¬ebrated?
A. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 2nd of May.
B. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 1st of May.
C. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 9th of May.
D. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 11th of May.
E. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 1st of May. +

5. When is the Spring Bank Holiday celebrated?
A. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Monday in March.
B. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Sunday in May.
C. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Monday in May. +
D. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Friday in May.
E. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Tuesday in May.

6. When is the August Bank Holiday celebrated?
A. It is another official public holiday, and it is celebrated on the last Mon¬day in August. +
B. It is not another official public holiday, and it is celebrated on the first Mon¬day in August.
C. It is another official public holiday, and it is not celebrated on the last Mon¬day in August.
D. It is celebrated on the second Mon¬day in August.
E. It is celebrated on the last Tuesday in August.
7. When is the Christmas Day celebrated?
A. On the 27th of December.
B. On the 23rd of December.
C. On the 24th of December.
D. On the 25th of December. +
E. On the 28th of December.
8. How do people usually decorate their houses for Christmas?
A. Houses are usually decorated with flowers.
B. Houses are usually decorated with lights and branches of needle-leaf trees. Many people have a decorated Christmas tree in their houses. +
C. Many people have not a decorated Christmas tree in their houses.
D. Houses are not usually decorated with lights and branches of needle-leaf trees.
E. Houses are usually decorated with trees.
9. What does a typical Christmas dinner consist of?
A. The typi¬cal meal consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables, followed by a Christmas pudding. +
B. The typi¬cal meal is Hot-dog.
C. The typi¬cal meal consists of potato and other vegetables.
D. The typi¬cal meal consists of vegetables.
E. The typi¬cal meals are not turkey and Christmas pudding.
10. How does Santa Claus come into the house?
A. Through the front door.
B. Through the window.
C. Through the house.
D. Through the door.
E. Through the chimney. +
11. When is the Halloween Day celebrated?
A. 28 October
B. 29 October
C. 31 October +
D. 30 October
E. 27 October
12. When is the Father’s Day celebrated?
A. The first Sunday in June
B. The third Monday in June
C. The second Sunday in June
D. The third Sunday in June +
E. The third Friday in June
13. When is the Mother’s Day celebrated?
A. 18 March
B. 13 March
C. 17 March +
D. 19 March
E. 16 March
14. When is the Queen’s Official Birthday celebrated?
A. The 22nd of April.
B. The 21st of April. +
C. The 26th of April.
D. The 23rd of April.
E. The 24th of April.

F. 15. When is the April Fools’ Day celebrated?
A. 1 April +
B. 3 April
C. 7 April
D. 5 April
E. 2 April

B. Crossword.
1. How does Santa Claus come into the house?
2. What do the children leave at the end of their bed for presents?
3. Whom do people visit on New Year Day?
4. What do the children play on people if they don’t give them “a trick”?
5. What do people send on St. Valentine’s Day?
6. What do people cover their faces with New Year Day?
7. What do people cook for Thanksgiving dinner?
8. What do people dress up on Halloween?





C. Draw the «Venn diagram».

Holidays in Great Britain Holidays in Kazakhstan

II- round. «Hill»
Шарты: Сөздің әр әрпіне сөз құрап тауға, шыңға шық! «Сhampion»


Жеңген топқа «Сhampion-2014»деген медальион беріледі.
T-CL-Well done! Now open your copy-book and write down your home-task for the next lesson. Your home-task is for translating and good retelling.

T-Our lesson is over. Thank you, Good bye!

The teacher of English: Matenova B.A.


New Year’s Day (1 January). 2 January is also a public holiday in Scotland.
St Valentine’s Day (14 February).
St Patrick’s Day (17 March). This is public holiday in Northern Ireland.
Mother’s Day (26 March).
50 million worth of flowers are bought for this day. Cards are also sent.
April Fools’ Day (1 April)
It is traditional for people to play tricks or practical jokes on each other on this day. Children are the most enthusiastic about this custom, but even the BBC and serious newspapers sometimes have «joke» (i.e. not genuine) features on this day/
Good Friday The strange name in English for the day commemorating Christ’s crucifixion.
Easter (Easter is a Christian holiday in March or April, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go-ing to church and then having a celebration dinner).
May Day (The first Monday in May).
In Britain this day is associated more with ancient folklore than with the workers. In some villages the custom of dancing round the maypole is acted out.
Spring Bank Holiday (The last Monday in May).
There used to be a holiday on «Whit Monday» celebrating the Christian feast of Pentecost. Because this is seven weeks after Easter, the date varied. This fixed holiday has replaced it.
Father’s Day (The third Sunday in June).
This is probably just a commercial invention – and not a very successful one either. Millions of British fathers don’t even know they have a special day.
Queen’s Official Birthday (The second or third Saturday in June).
It is «official» because it is not her real one. Certain public ceremonies are performed on this day.
Orangemen’s Day (12 July)
This is a public holiday in Northern Ireland only. In this way, the holiday associated with the Catholic part of the community (St Patrick’s Day) is balanced by one associated with the other part, the Protestants (see chapter 4).
Summer Bank Holiday (The last Monday in August).
Halloween (31 October)
This is the day before All Saints’ Day in the Christian calendar, and is associated with the supernatural.
Christmas Day (On the 25th of December.)

New words:

 1. To celebrate - тойлау
 2. Congratulations - құттықтау
 3. To buy- сатып алу
 4. Gifts - сыйлық
 5. Presents - сыйлық
 6. I wish you – мен саған тілеймін
 7. decorate- сәндеу, безендіру
 8. lights- жарық
 9. chimney- мұржа
 10. stocking- шұлық
 11. Turkey- күркетауық
 12. Guest- қонақ
 13. Christmas Day - Діни мереке
 14. Boxing Day- Рождество мерекесінен кейінгі
 15. Good Friday- Қасиетті жұма күні
 16. Easter Monday - Пасха күні
 17. Spring Bank Holiday - Көктем мерекесі
 18. Summer Bank Holiday - Жаздың алғашқы күні
 19. Guy Fawkes’ Day - Гай Фоукс


1. How do people celebrate the New Year?
A. 1st of January. Many people have New Year parties.
B. 3rd of January. Many people have not New Year parties.
C. 4th of January. Many people go to the church.
D. 5th of January. Many people go to the school.
E. 2nd of January. Many people do not go to the anywhere.

2. When is St. Valentine's Day cel¬ebrated?
A. 11th of February
B. 12th of February
C. 18th of February
D. 14th of February
E. 13th of February

3. Who celebrates Easter? What do people cel¬ebrate on this day?
A. Easter is a Christian holiday in February, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to church.
B. Easter is a Christian holiday in March or April, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to church and then having a celebration dinner.
C. Easter is a Christian holiday in May, when Queens’ remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to school.
D. Easter is not a Christian holiday in March or April, when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life. The holiday is marked by go¬ing to office.
E. Easter is not a Christian holiday in March or April.

4. When is the May Spring Festival cel¬ebrated?
A. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 2nd of May.
B. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 1st of May.
C. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 9th of May.
D. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 11th of May.
E. The May Spring Festival, which is celebrated on the 1st of May.

5. When is the Spring Bank Holiday celebrated?
A. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Monday in March.
B. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Sunday in May.
C. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Monday in May.
D. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Friday in May.
E. Spring Bank Holiday is cel¬ebrated on the last Tuesday in May.

6. When is the August Bank Holiday celebrated?
A. It is another official public holiday, and it is celebrated on the last Mon¬day in August.
B. It is not another official public holiday, and it is celebrated on the first Mon¬day in August.
C. It is another official public holiday, and it is not celebrated on the last Mon¬day in August.
D. It is celebrated on the second Mon¬day in August.
E. It is celebrated on the last Tuesday in August.
7. When is the Christmas Day celebrated?
A. On the 27th of December.
B. On the 23rd of December.
C. On the 24th of December.
D. On the 25th of December.
E. On the 28th of December.
8. How do people usually decorate their houses for Christmas?
A. Houses are usually decorated with flowers.
B. Houses are usually decorated with lights and branches of needle-leaf trees. Many people have a decorated Christmas tree in their houses. +
C. Many people have not a decorated Christmas tree in their houses.
D. Houses are not usually decorated with lights and branches of needle-leaf trees.
E. Houses are usually decorated with trees.
9. What does a typical Christmas dinner consist of?
A. The typi¬cal meal consists of turkey with potatoes and other vegetables, followed by a Christmas pudding.
B. The typi¬cal meal is Hot-dog.
C. The typi¬cal meal consists of potato and other vegetables.
D. The typi¬cal meal consists of vegetables.
E. The typi¬cal meals are not turkey and Christmas pudding.
10. How does Santa Claus come into the house?
A. Through the front door.
B. Through the window.
C. Through the house.
D. Through the door.
E. Through the chimney.
11. When is the Halloween Day celebrated?
A. 28 October
B. 29 October
C. 31 October
D. 30 October
E. 27 October
12. When is the Father’s Day celebrated?
A. The first Sunday in June
B. The third Monday in June
C. The second Sunday in June
D. The third Sunday in June
E. The third Friday in June

13. When is the Mother’s Day celebrated?
A. 18 March
B. 13 March
C. 26 March
D. 19 March
E. 16 March
14. When is the Queen’s Official Birthday celebrated?
A. The 22nd of April.
B. The 21st of April.
C. The 26th of April.
D. The 23rd of April.
E. The 24th of April.
15. When is the April Fools’ Day celebrated?
A. 1 April
B. 3 April
C. 7 April
D. 5 April
E. 2 April

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. E
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. A
10. E
11. C
12. D
13. C
14. B
15. A
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