Сабақ: Unit I “Back to school”, Step1 Date_____________ Having friends.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 3518 | Размер: | Автор: balaseriТақырып: Having friends.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1.Оқушыларды оқу жылының жаңа міндеттерімен, оқулықпен және жұмыс дәптерімен таныстыру; Оқушыларды мәтіннен қажетті мағлұматты алу мақсатымен оқуда машықтандыру; Өзін-өзі таныстыруға, басқа адмадрмен танысуға, өзі туралы мағлұмат беруді және басқа адамдар туралы мағлұмат сұрастырып алуды үйрету.
2.Оқушылардың салыстыра білу қабілетін дамыту; оқу материалынан ең бастысын, мазмұнын ажыратуды үйрету
3. Әдептілік ережелерін бойына сіңірген мүмкіндігінше дамыған азамат тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: “Getting to know each other” тақырыбында ауызша сөйлеу қабілеттерін дамыту.
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: “Anna Saxby” memory map, text for listening, diagrams “Omar, Dmitry and Chan”
Сабақ түрі: Жаңа тақырыпты таныстыру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Сәлемдесу. Жаңа оқу жылының міндеттерімен таныстыру.
Dear children, you are welcome to the 7th form. In this year you will learn to read, speak and listen to the information about yourselves, the living world of the Earth (that is animals andplants), eating in Kazakhstan and in Great Britain, Health and Travelling. We shall learn such grammar materials as “Present Perfect Continuous Tense”, “the Article”, “Modal verbs”, “Adverbs of frequency” and “Passive Voice”. You see, all the materials are wide and difficult. So you should learn hard, do all the home and classrooom exercises to reach the best results in learning English. I wish you success and good luck.
II. Brainstorming.
a) Ex.1,p.9 A mamory map.
Study the memory map. On a sheet of paper write down the ideas which come to your mind.
Ex. 1. Her name is Anna Saxby.
2. She is a teacher.
3.She has been (worked) to (in) the USA, Italy, Canada, France.
4. She lives in Hastings at sea.
5. She has two children.
6. She loves them.
7. She likes music. Her hobby is listening to music.
b) Ex.2,p.10 Read and practice the pronunciation.
Memory [‘memәri] жад, ес
Embassy [‘embәsi] елшілік
The United States of America [ði ju:’naitid ‘steits əv æv ə’merikə]
Canada [‘kænədə]
Italy [‘itəli]
France [‘frα:ns]
Hastings [‘heistiŋz] Хастинг
Tutor [tju:tə] тәлімгер
III. Working with text about Anna Saxby.
a) Read the text and find out the new words in the text.
b) Write out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.
I have been a teacher for 6 years.
I have met schoolchildren from different countries.
I have visited the USA, Italy, Canada and France.
See Grammar References p.176. (6-шы сыныпта өткен тақырыпты қайталау)
IV. Listening, speaking and writing.
a) Ex.7,p.10 Listen to the students talking about themselves and complete the table.
Listen to the text.
Omar is from Astana in Kazakhstan. He speaks Kazakh, Russian and English. In his free time he plays tennis and voleyball. He enjoys playing the dombyra. His favourite music is pop music. He has visited the USA, the UK and Russia. He is going to visit Canada because ha has a palfriend there.
Dmitry is from Almaty in Kazakhstan. He speaks Russian, Kazakh and English. In his free time he plays football. He enjoys playing the guitar. His favourite music is pop music. He has visited the UK, Russia. He’s going to visit the USA because he has a palfriend there.
Chan is from Peking in China. He speaks Chinese and English. Chan is Omar’s and Dmitry’s palfriend. He has visited Germany. He’s going to visit Kazakhstan. He wants to meet his pen-friends. In his free time he plays volleyball and tennis. He doesn’t play any musical instrument. He enjoys pop music.
Name Age Comes from Has visited Languages In his free time He’s going to visit
Omar 13 Kazakhstan The USA, the UK, Russia Kazakh, Russian, English Plays tennis, volleyball Canada
Dmitry Kazakhstan The UK, Russia Kazakh, Russian, English Plays football The USA
Chan China Germany Chinese, English Plays volleyball, tennis Kazakhstan
b) Complete the diagrams about Dmitry and Chan
has visites speaks
favourite music
has visites speaks
favourite music
has visites speaks
favourite music
c) Ex.9,p12 Talk to your partner. Use the information from a, b, c.
Example: Omar is 13. He come from Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan. He has visited the USA, the UK and Russia. He enjoys playing the dombyra. He likes popmusic. He speaks Kazakh, Russian and English. He’s going to visit Canada. He plays tennis and volleyball.
V. Homework.
Ex-s in WB Step1
VI. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 1a Date______________
Тақырып: Having friends.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1.Оқушыларды өздері туралы айтуға үйрету; Оқушыларды мәтінді оқып толық мазмұнын түсінуге машықтандыру; Past Simpe грамматикалық материалды қайталау.
2.Оқушылардың әдебиетпен қосымша көрнекіліктерді тиімді пайдалануды үйрету
3. шығармашылық қабілеттері мүмкіндігінше дамыған азамат тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: “Past Simple”грамматикалық тақырыбында грамматикалық білік-дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: “Past Simple” грамматикалық таблицасы, text “Money for Motobike”, ойын “Matching the words”
Сабақ түрі: Білімді тексеру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
II. Warm up.
Answer the following questions:
1. Do you play any instruments?
2. What did you do last night?
3. What are you going to do this weekend?
4. What cities have you been to?
5. When were you born?
6. Do you often go to discos?
7. Do you like dancing?
8. What do you do in your free time?
III. Control of homework.
a) Checking up the memory maps.
b) Listening to “A story about myself.”
IV. Readidng the text “Money for a motobike.”
a). Ex.21,p.15 Read and practise pronunciation of the words
England [‘iŋlænd]
Leeds [li:dz]
Martin [mα:tin]
Stuart [stju:ət]
Japanese [dʒæpә’ni:z]
Dollar [dlә]
b) Ex.18,p.14 Read the text and tell your partner about Stuart
c) Match the Kazakh word with the English.
1. кету a) beauty [‘bju:ti]
2. жолдас, сыныптас b) leave [li:v]
3. тез, дереу, шұғыл c) need [ni:d]
4. мұқтаж болу, қажетсіну d) mate [meit]
5. гараж e) immediately [i’mi:djətli]
6. әдемі, тамаша f) garage [‘gærα:ʒ]
Key: 1-f, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-c, 6-e
d) Give the opposites
leave— come
happy— unhappy
start— finish
a busy city— a quiet city
work— didn’t work, relax
V. Revising the grammar rule “Past Simple Tense”
e) Ex.27,p.15 Read the text once more and write out the sentences
• with the Past form of the verb “to be”;
It was the month of June
The weather was beautiful
He wasnot happy
Stuart was seventeen
It was a beauty—a Japanese Suzuki.
He was on holiday
It was a beauty.
• With the irregular verbs;
He left school.
Martin had a bike for sale.
Stuart went and...
• With the regular verbs;
All his mates started work immediately.
He wanted a long holiday.
Martin worfed in a garage.
He needed a motobike.
Martin wanted £350.
He looked at the bike every day.
He wanted to buy it.
“Where can i find £350?” Stuart asked himself.
• Sentences in negative;
He didn’t have a motobike.
He didn’t start work.
Stuart didn’t want to work.
Stuart didn’t have £350.
He didn’t have any money.
VI. Homework.
Ex-s in WB
VII. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 2 Date_____________
Тақырып: English is my favourite subject.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1.Present Perfect Tense шағын қайталау. “for, since” предлогтарының Present Perfect шағында қолданылуын түсіндіру. Present Perfect шағын ауызша сөйлеуде пайдалануды машықтандыру.
2.Оқушылардың салыстыра білу қабілетін дамыту; оқу материалынан ең бастысын, мазмұнын ажыратуды үйрету
3. Оқушыларды бір-бірін тыңдауға, басқа адамның пікірін құрметтеп, санасуға тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: “Present Perfect Tense” грамматикалық тақырыбында грамматикалық білік-дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: “Present Perfect tense” грамматикалық таблица
Сабақ түрі: Жаңа тақырыпты таныстыру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
II. Brainstorming
Ex.1,p.16 Match the students’ answers to Ann’s questions
1. Have you heard about your friends, Omar?
2. Dmitry, have you been to the USA?
3. Have you been to the UK before, Chan?
4. Omar, you haven’t seen a crocodile, have you?
5. Have you visited any places of interest in the UK, Chan?
a) No, I haven’t visited any places of interest yet.
b) Yes, I have. My friend, Colin in the UK has written an interesting letter. He has invited me to his town.
c) No, I haven’t. I have never been to the USA before.
d) No, I haven’t been to the UK before.
e) No, I haven’t. I have never seen a crocodile in my life.
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-d, 4-e, 5-a.
III. Present Perfect Tense (Осы аяқталған шақ)
a) 6 сыныпта өткен ережені қайталау.
b) Ex.2,p.17 Read Ann’s interview.
c) Write out time markers.
Since 1998—1998 жылдан бастап
Since I was 12—мен12 жасымнан бастап
For three years—үш жыл бойы
Since I was six—мен 6 жасымнан бастап
For 5 years—5 жыл бойы
d) Say true sentences about your friends using time markers:
Since 1998—He has lived here since 1998
For+years—We have learnde English for 5 years.
Since he was 10—He has played football since he was 10
Since they’re 11—They have played the piano since they were 11.
IV. Interview your partner Ex.5,p.17. See Ann’s questions
Example: How long have you been studied English?
How long have you lived here?
How long have you studied Russian? Etc.
V. Working with Workbook
Unit I. Answer the questionarie with the information about yourself.
VI. Homework.
Ex.3,p.179 SB
Ex.11,p.18 SB
VII. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 2a Date______________
Тақырып: English is my favourite subject.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1.Етістіктің үш негізгі формасын қайталау; Present Perfect Tense шағын ауызша сөйлеуде пайдалануға машықтандыру. “The Evanses in New York” диалогын оқыту және осы мәтін бойынша Present Perfect шағын қолдануды жаттықтыру.
2.Оқушылардың әдебиетпен қосымша көрнекіліктерді тиімді пайдалануды үйрету
3. Әдептілік ережелерін бойына сіңірген мүмкіндігінше дамыған азамат тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: “Present Perfect Tense”грамматикалық тақырыбында грамматикалық білік-дағдыларын қалыптастыру.
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: “Present Perfect tense”, етістіктің негізгі үш формасы грамматикалық таблицалары, жұмыс дәптері.
Сабақ түрі: Білімді тексеру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
II. Warm up.
Talk to your partner about yourself using the following time markers and use Present Perfect.
This week
This year French
Recently I’ve studied English
Never Russian
Since/ for
III. Revising three main forms of the verb.
a) Working with table
Infinitive (Base form) Past Simple Past participle
Irregular: do did done
write wrote written
hear heard heard
speak spoke spoken
Regular: visit visited visited
work worked worked
live lived lived
b) Ex.3,p.4 WB Answer the following questions using the 2nd form of the verb (Past Simple)
Questions: Answers:
When were you born? I was born....
When was your last birthday? My last birthday was on the... of ...
When did you go to school? I went to school...
Where did you go to school? I went to school in ...
Where did you spend your summer holidays? I spent my summer holidays in...
Who did you spend your holiday with? I spent my holidays with ...
When did you get up yesterday? I got up at ... o’clock yesterday.
When did you read a novel? I (never) read a novel in...
When were the last Olympic Games? The last olympic Games were in 2008.
III. Reading the dialogue and working on it.
a) Vocabulary and pronunciation.
Empire State Building [‘empaiә ‘steit ,bildiŋ]
Greenwich [‘gri:nidʒ]
Chinatown [‘t∫ainәtaun]
Statue of Liberty [‘stætju: әv ‘libәti]
Helicopter [‘heli ,kptә]
Nickneim [‘nikneim]
b) Listen to the dialogue.
c) Read the dialogue in roles and find out the sentences in the Present Perfect Tense.
We’ve been for a walk in Central Park.
We’ve climbed the Empire State Building.
We haven’t been to Greenwich Village yet.
We haven’t been to chinatown either.
Have you seen the Statue of Liberty?
We have just had a helicopter tour of the city.
Have you ever heard the nickname of New York?
d) Ex.13,p.19 Find the following compound word in the text.
Helicopter—helicopter tour of the city
Nickname—nickname of New York
Broadway—a show on a Broadway
Chinatown—haven’t been to Chinatown either.
e) Find the sentences with irregular verbs:
We’ve seen...
Have you seen ...
We have just had ...
Have you ever heard...
f) Find out the questions
Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty?
Have you ever heard the nickname of New York?
IV. Homework.
Ex.16,p.19 SB (Past Simple—өткен шақ, Present Perfect—осы шақпен байланысты)
Ex.4,p.4 WB
V. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 3 Date_____________
Тақырып: Having friends.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. Оқушылардың сөздік қорын кеңейту. “Friends” тақырыбына байланысты жаңа сөздерді енгізу. Өз достарын сипаттауға үйрету.
2.Оқушылардың салыстыра білу қабілетін дамыту; оқу материалынан ең бастысын, мазмұнын ажыратуды үйрету
3. Оқушыларды бір-бірін тыңдауға, басқа адамның пікірін құрметтеп, санасуға тәрбиелеу. Досын құрметтеуге және достықты бағалауға үйрету.
Мақсат: Достық тақырыбын ашатын жаңа сөздерді енгізу .
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: Тыңдауға арналған мәтін, магнитофон, семантикалық карта
Сабақ түрі: Жаңа тақырыпты таныстыру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Good morning dear children. Sit down, please. I hope you are OK and I’m glad to meet you at our lesson.
II. Brainstorming
Do you have a friend? What is friend?
III. Vocabulary
a) Ex.3,p.20 Match Kazakh words with the English then practise the pronunciation.
1. trust [tr⋀st] сену
2. rely on [ri’lai ,n] сену, арқа сүйеу
3.share [∫εә] бөлісі, ортақтасу
4. care for [‘kεә ,f:] қамын ойлау
5. charming [‘t∫α:miŋ] сүйкімді
6. shy [∫ai] ұялшақ, жасқаншақ
7. lively [‘laivli] көңілді
8. polite [pә’lait] сыпайы
9. patient [pei∫әnt]шыдамды
10. gentle [dʒentl] мейірімді
11. impatient [im’pei∫әnt] шыдамсыз
12. reliable [ri’laiәbl] сенімді
13. boring [b:riŋ] көңілсіз
14. silent [‘sailәnt] тұйық, үндемейтін
15. lazy [‘leizi] жалқау
Key: 1-o 2-a 3-c 4-g 5-d 6-n 7-f 8-h 9-e 10-b 11-j 12-m 13-i 14-k 15-l
b) Ex.4,p.21 Read6 translate and tick the idea that you like most of all.
c) Ex.5,p.22 Read and tick the words which can describe your friend.
IV. Listening comprehension
Text 7,p.219
a) Listen to Omar talking about his friend and draw a memory map. Compare your memory map with your partner’s memory map.
b) Listen to the story about Mike again and complete the semantic map.
Nationality Appearance Hair He likes He plays or doesn’t play a musical instrument He plays or doesn’t play (sport) His character He wants to
English Handsome, tall black travelling Doesn’t play any insrument Plays basketball Reliable, patient, hardworking, polite Be a lawyer, visit Kazakhstan, see Astana
V. Talking about friends
a) You’ll interview one of your group mates. You’re going to play the role of a journalist.
1. What’s your friend’s name?
2. How old is your friend?
3. Has he/she got brother’s or sisters?
4. Where does he live?
5. What is s/he going to be when he fibishes school?
6. What’s his/her hobby?
7. What kind of music does s/he like?
8. What’s his/her favourite subject?
9. What sport does s/he play?
10. How does s/he get to school?
11. What does s/he do at weekends?
b) Talk to your partner about your interview.
c) Write about your interview.
VI. Homework.
Ex.14,p.24 (translation)
Tell about your friend.
VII. Conclusion of the lesson.
Сабақ: Step 3a Date_____________
Тақырып: Having friends.
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. Оқушыларды мәтінді толық түсініп оқуға машықтандыру және оқыған мәтінге өз пікірін білдіруді үйрету. «Етістік шақтары», «Етістік» грамматикалық тақырыптарын қайталау
2. Еріктілікті дамыту, танымдық қиыншылықтарды жеңуге тырысу
3. Досын құрметтеуге және достықты бағалауға үйрету.
Мақсат: грамматикалық және оқу білік-дағдыларын қалыптастыру
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: Оқуға арналған мәтін, грамматикалық таблицалар
Сабақ түрі: Қайталау сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
II. Control of homework.
Talking on theme “My friend”
III. Reading the text.
a) read the text and give a title
b) answer the question:
Was Frank Stuart’s real friend?
c) Ex.15,p.25 Match the Kazkh words with the English. Then practise the pronunciation.
1. граммафон a) garage
2. банкнот b) search
3. түйіншек c) grammaphone
4. іздеу d) wear
5. байлауыш e) headband
6. тағып жүру, киіп жүру f) strange
7. өрмелеу, көтерілу g) sill
8. оғаш, біртүрлі h) climb
9. терезе алды тақтайы i) banknote
10. гараж j) bundle
11. бөтен біреудің үйіне өз
бетімен орналасқан адам k) squater
Key: 1-c 2-i 3-j 4-b 5-e 6-d 7-h 8-f 9-g 10-a 11-k
d) Talk to your partner.
Did Stuart buy a motobike with the money?
e) Write out the sentneces with the irregular verbs:
Left, was, were, bought, found, had, went, put, saw, understood
f) Write out the sentences in the negative form from the text:
It didn’t look interesting
g) Write 5 questions to interview Stuart/Frank with your partner.
1. What’s your name?
2. Where do you live?
3. How old are you?
4. Where do you work?/ What’s your profession?
5. What is your hobby?
6. Have you got a bike or motobike?
7. What are you going to do to get a motobike?
8. Have uoy got a friend?
9. Is Frank your friend?
10. what kind of friend do you want?
IV. Homework.
Ex.22,p.25 Interview Stuart (Frank). One of you play Stuart’s/Fran’s role.
Ex-s in Workbook Step3.
V. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 4 Date_____________
Тақырып: My friend has been reading since morning
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. Жаңа грамматикалық тақырыпты түсіндіру “Present Perfect Continuous Tense”.
2.Оқушыларды жаңа грамматикалық материалды сөйлеу барысында қолдануға машықтандыру.
3. Оқушылардың шығармашылық қабілеттерін дамыту, басқа адамның пікірін құрметтеп, санасуға тәрбиелеу.
Мақсат: Present Perfect Continuous Tense шағын қолдану бойынша оқушылардың білік-білім дағдыларын қалыптастыру
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: Грамматикалық таблица
Сабақ түрі: Жаңа тақырыпты таныстыру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Good morning dear children. Sit down, please. I hope you are OK and I’m glad to meet you at our lesson.
II. Brainstorming
Look at the pictures on p.26-27. What are the children doing?
When did they start (reading, writing, speaking, talking)?
Write down the ideas about them.
III. Present Perfect Continuous tense
1) Use: Present Perfect Continuous tense—өткенде басталып, әлі аяқталмаған (айтып жатқанда) іс-әрекетті білдіреді.
Ол have/has been көмекші етістігі және негізгі етістікке –ing жалғануы арқылы жасалады.
Example: He has been singing for 10 minutes.
I have been reading since 8 o’clock.
Form: have
+ been +V ing
Бұл шақта for—бойы, since—бастап, бері сөздері қолданылады
Negative, questions: Болымсыз сөйлемдер have/has көмекші етістіктерге not жалғануы арқылы жасалады. Cұраулы сөйлемдерде yave/has көмекші етістігі бастауыштың алдына қойылады.
Example: Have you been doing your homework?—No, I haven’t. I haven’t been doing my homework. I have already done it. (Present Perfect tense)
Арнайы сұрақтар How long—қанша уақыт, Since when—қашаннан бастап сөздері арқылы жасалады.
Example: How long has he been building his house?
Since when have you been learning English?
2) Ex.5,p.26 Read the sentences and complete them.
a) He started playing the dombyra at a quarter to 12. Now it is 12 o’clock. He has been playing the dombyra since 11.25.
b) Asel started singing at 12 o’clock. Now it’s 25 past 12. she has been singing since 12 o’clock.
c) Dmitry started watching TV at 5 o’clock. Now it’s half past 5. he has been watching TV since 5 o’clock.
d) Jennifer and Asel started talking on the phone at 5 o’clock. Now it’s half past 5. they have been talking on the phone since 5 o’clock.
3) Ex.6,p.27 Raed Ex.5 again and match the sentences with the pictures.
a—a c—d
b—b d—c
IV. Homework
Exercises in workbook Step 4, Unit1
Ереже жаттау.
V. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 4a Date_____________
Тақырып: My friend has been reading since morning
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. “Present Perfect Continuous Tense” грамматикалық тақырыпты қолдануда білім-білік дағдыларын қалыптастыру
2.Оқушыларды шақтар формасы грамматикалық материалды салыстыра білу қабілеттерін дамыту.
3. Оқушылардың әдебиеттер мен қосымша көрнекіліктерді тиімді пайдалануды дамыту
Мақсат: Present Perfect Continuous Tense шағын қолдану бойынша оқушылардың білік-білім дағдыларын қалыптастыру
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: Грамматикалық таблица
Сабақ түрі: Жаңа тақырыпты бекіту сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Good morning dear children. Sit down, please. I hope you are OK and I’m glad to meet you at our lesson
II. Control of homework.
a) Checking up the knowledge of Grammar rules.
b) Control of home exercises from Workbook
III. Activisation of Grammar material’s usage.
a) Read and Remember. Grammar Rules from Grammar References, p.177-178
b) Ex.1,p.179 Complete these sentences.
1. I know my friend. I have been knowing him for a long time.
2. My friend is learning German. He has been learning German for 5 weeks.
3. I have a car. I have been having this car for a year.
4. It’s raining. It has been raining since this morning.
5. My friend is watching TV. He has been watching for an hour.
c) Ex. 2,p.179 Make questions with How long...?
1. I live in Almaty. How long have you been living in Almaty?
2. I know Dmity. How long have you been knowing him?
3. Omar is learning German. How long has Omar been learning German?
4. I’m waiting for my friend. How long have you been waiting for your friend?
5. I’m writing a letter. How long have you been writing it?
d) Ex.3,p.179 Write for or since.
1. I have been to Moscow since Monday.
2. I have been to Moscow for a week.
3. I have been waiting for my friens for an hour.
4. Dmitry lives in the north. He has been living there since last year.
5. I am at school. I have been here since 8 o’clock.
6. My niece is good at basketball. She has been playing basketball for 5 years.
IV. Talking exercise. Ex.8,p.29 Talk to your partner.
What are you doing now?
When did you start doing it?
How long have you been doing it?
Example: We’re working at exercise 8 now. We began doing it 3 minutes ago. We have been doing this exercise for 3 minutes.
I’m talking to my parner now. I started doing it 5 minutes ago. I have been talking to my partner for 5 minutes.
(learning English, riding a bike, doing crossword, playing chess)
V. Choose the correct tense form.
a) How long has Dmitry been living/ does he live in Astana?
b) How long has Omar been studying/ does he study at school №15?
c) My friend has been looking/ looked for a bike for 3 weeks.
d) I wrote/ have been writing this exercise since 4 o’clock.
e) I am tired because I wrote/ have been writing this exercise since 4 o’clock.
f) My friend is working/ has been working as an air hostess since last moth.
g) I have bought/ bought a dictionary a few months ago.
VI. Homework
VII. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 5 Date_____________
Тақырып: Having pen-friends
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. Оқушылардың оқу және оқығаны бойынша сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру. ”Describing people” тақырыбы бойынша белсенді лексиканы қолдануды машықтандыру.
2. Оқушылардың талдау, салыстыра білу қабілетін дамыту.
3. Тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру
Мақсат: Хат алысу достары туралы ауызша сөйлеу дағдыларын қалыптастыру
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: Диаграмма “Pen-friends”, хаттар, Венн диаграммасы
Сабақ түрі: Тақырыпты бекіту сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Greeting. Talking to the pupil on duty.
1. Who is on duty today?
2. What date is it today?
3. What day of the week is it today?
4. Who is absent?
II. Brainstorming
Ex.1,p.30. read and mark the adjectives which describe your pen-friend and practise the pronunciation:
talkative clever reliable
kind hardworking polite
gentle inactive impatient
silent interesting impolite
stupid unreliable
lively, active unkind
rude patient
lazy uninteresting
helpful unhelpful
III. Activization of usage of new words.
a) Ex.2,p.30 Find the opposites of the following adjectives. Use Ex.1.
lively, active—inactive
b) Do you have a penfriend? What can you say about your penfriend?
Ex.4,p.30. Match the Kazakh words with the English.
1. өмірлік тәжірибе a) emotionally [i’mәu∫әnәli]
2. толқыту, уайымдату b) properly [‘prpәli]
3. өңір c) excite [ik’sait]
4. жөнді, дұрыс d) region [‘ri:dʒәn]
5. әсерлі, қызу e) experience [iks’piәriәns]
6. мәдениетті f) enclose [in’kluz]
7. салу (хатқа) g) culturally [‘k⋀lt∫әrәli]
8. сыйлау, құрметтеу h) respect [ris’pekt]
Key: 1-e, 2-c, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a, 6-g, 7-f, 8-h.
c) Ex.5,p.31 Read the diagram. Do you want to add some more. Read the words and practise the pronunciation.
d) Ex.6,p.31 Complete the diagram about yourself with the suitable verbs.
IV. Reading letters.
a) Ex.7,p.32 Read the letters and compare them.
b) Read the letters and complete the diagram.
Tom They both share Rodger
• he lives in Bath in UK.
• He has been to the USA
• His favourite sport is volleyball
• He has been reading a book
• He hasn’t been anywhere in summer • They are both English
• They are both pen-friends
• They live in the UK
• They both speak English
• They are school students • He lives in Bristol in the UK
• He has been to Italy and France
• His plays the guitar
• He had a birthday
• He can speak a few words in Italian
V. Homework
Ex.10,p.33 Write a letter to your pen-friend.
VI. Conclusion of the lesson
Сабақ: Step 5 a Date_________________
Тақырып: Having pen-friends
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. Оқушылардың оқу және оқығаны бойынша сөйлеу және оқу дағдыларын машықтандыру.
2. Оқушылардың талдау, салыстыра білу қабілетін дамыту.
3. Тілге деген қызығушылығын арттыру
Мақсат: Оқу дағдыларын қалыптастыру
Құрал-жабдықтар, көрнекті құралдар: Жаңа сөздер, таблица Three forms of the verbs
Сабақ түрі: Тақырыпты бекіту сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Good morning dear children. Sit down, please. I hope you are OK and I’m glad to meet you at our lesson
II. Control of homework.
A letter to my friend. Reading letters.
III. Reading comprehension
Money for a motobike.
a) Practise the pronunciation of the following words and find the in the text.
constable [‘k⋀nstәbl] полиция қызметкері
tightly [‘taitli] тығыз
sergant [‘sә:dʒәnt] сержант
helmet [‘helmit] дулыға
save [‘seiv] полиция қызметкері
matress [‘mætris]ақша жинау, құтқару
mean [mi:n] ойда тұту, ескеру
b) Read the text and try to understand.
c) Write out:
1. Questions: What do the police want?
What have you told these cops?
Is that bike yours?
And where did you get this money?
What do you mean?
2. Sentences with the irregular verbs: The policemen got out of the car. Frank got out too. The constable held his arm tightly. The sergant went into the garden. Then he came back. He was holding a bundle of newspapers. And then a motobike drove up towards the police car. He has bought a motobike with my money. Stuart didn’t see Frank. I haven’t done anything wrong. He took off his helmet. I bought it at the garage down the road. Then Stuart saw Frank. What have you told these cops? And where did you get this money. I found it ina matrass. The sergant took the money.
3. The sentences with the regular verbs: He looked around for some time. That’s them shouted Frank. Something was wrapped in those newspapers. The sergant called to Stuart. Stuart asked himself. Stuart stopped the bike. “Yes, it’s mine” replied Stuart. Stuart shouted at Frank. They all walked back to Martin’s garage. Martin agreed. Frank walked away, still shouting. It started to rain now.
d) Ex.13,p.35. Make adverbs from the following adjectives.
Adjectives+ ly= adverbs.
Correct—correctly, polite—politely slow—slowly
angry—angryly kind—kindly
e) Ex.15,p.35 Give Stuart a piece of advise.
• Stauart, you should start working immediatly.
• You shouldn’t take anybody’s money.
• You should be polite to constable.
IV. Is it good to have a pen-friend?
Why is it good to have a pen-friend?
Write three things about a pen-friend. Begin like this:
a) I think it is good to have a penfriend because...
you can trust him your secrets.
you can write everything you like talk about.
you can get information about other countries, cities, people, etc.
b) I can say that pen-friends are...
c) A pen-friend is a person who .... you.
relys on
believes in
V. Homework
Exercises in Workbook, Step 5
Write a letter to a new pen-friend.
VI. Conclusion of the lesson.
Сабақ: Step 5 b Date_________________
Тақырып: Test
Оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің міндеттері:
1. Оқушылардың “Having Friends”, “Present Perfect Continuous Tense” тақырыптары бойынша білім, білік, жағдыларын тексеру
2. Еске сақтау қабілеттерін дамыту.
3. Өздік жұмыс істеге тәрбиелеу
Мақсат: Unit I, Steps 1-5 бойынша білік, білім, дағдыларын қалыптастыру және тексеру
Сабақ түрі: Білім тексеру сабағы
Сабақ барысы:
I. Organization moment.
Good morning dear children. Sit down, please. I hope you are OK and I’m glad to meet you at our lesson
II. Test.
1. Write about youself and your friend about 10-15 sentences.
2. Choose the right preposition: for, since, with, on, in, X
He cares ____ his dog and cat.
We rely ____ our parents.
She believes ___ her friend.
And I trust _______ my friend all my secrets.
They have been writing letters ______ morning.
My father has been driving his car _____ 20 years.
I have been to Almaty _____ month.
He has been to Almaty ____ September.
3. Read the sentences and complete them.
My friend ____ ____ _____ (laugh) since the morning.
He ____ _____ _____ (learn) English for 10 years.
How long ____ _____ _____ (live) in Astana? (Dmitry)
Since when _____ _____ _____ _____(work) at the factory? (you)
How long ___ ____ _____ _____ (wait) for your friend?
2. for, on, in, X, since, for, for, since.
3. has been laufging,
has been learning
has Dmitry been living
have you been working
have you been waiting
Total: 28 balls.
0-14—“2” 19-22—“4”
15-18—“3” 23-28—“5”
III. Conclusion of the lesson.
Unit I
The 7th form
1. Write about youself and your friend about 10-15 sentences.
2. Choose the right preposition: for, since, with, on, in, X
He cares ____ his dog and cat.
We rely ____ our parents.
She believes ___ her friend.
And I trust _______ my friend all my secrets.
They have been writing letters ______ morning.
My father has been driving his car _____ 20 years.
I have been to Almaty _____ month.
He has been to Almaty ____ September.
3. Read the sentences and complete them.
My friend ____ ____ _____ (laugh) since the morning.
He ____ _____ _____ (learn) English for 10 years.
How long ____ _____ _____ (live) in Astana? (Dmitry)
Since when _____ _____ _____ _____(work) at the factory? (you)
How long ___ ____ _____ _____ (wait) for your friend?
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