Избасарова Тілектес Аманжанқызы In the surgical department.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1949 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеАтырау медицина колледжінің ағылшын тілі
пәнінің оқытушысы
Plan of the lesson
Сабақтың тақырыбы: In the surgical department
(Хирургиялық бөлімде)
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Білімділігі: Оқушыларға хирургиялық бөлімде мәтінін
түсіндіру.Оқушылар алған білімдерін
жүйелеп,тақырыпқа сай ой бөліседі.Тапсырмаларды
орындау арқылы ауызекі сөйлеу дағдыларын және
сөздік қорларын молайту.
Науқасқа күтім жасай білуді үйрету, жаңа
лексикалық сөздермен жұмыс жасау және диалог
Тәрбиелігі: Оқушыларды толықтай сабаққа қатыстырып,пәнге
деген қызығушылығын арттыру.
Сабақтың көрнекілігі: Оқулық, суреттер, компьютер, слайдтар,
мультимедиялық экран, сызбанұсқалар,
интерактивті тақта.
Сабақтың түрі: аралас сабақ (сын тұрғысынан ойлау)
Сабақтың типі: бағдар беру
Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ-орыс тілдері, хирургия, педиатрия пәндері
Оқулықтар: 1.Пособие по английскому языку для медицинских училищ С.А.Тылкина,Н.А.Темчина
2.English for medical students А.М.Маслова,З.И.Вайнштейн
1.Procedure of the lesson
Сабақтың жүру барысы 2 минут
1. a.Organization moment
T: Good morning(afternoon)pupils!
P: Good morning(afternoon)teacher!
T: Thank you,sit down,please!
b. duty’s report
T: Who is on duty today?
P: I am on duty today.
T: Who is absent?
P: All are present.
T: What date is it today?
P: Today is the 31st of March.
T: What date is it?
P: It is Wednesday.
T: What season is it?
P: It is spring.
T: What is the weather today?
P: It is fine.
T: Thank you,sit down,please!
2.Checking up homework 10минут
T:What was the hometask for today?Who can tell me?
P: Our hometask speak about ”Rickets”.
T: Who is ready for the lesson?
P: I am.
T: At first say “new words”
Rickets- рахит
Side- жақ,беткей
Protruding- рахиттік
Belly- іш,кебу
Lack(of)- жетіспеушілік
Ex1p71. Көп нүктенің орнына тиісті сөзді қойыңыз.”ricket’s,appear,side,sweat.’
1.The patient felt pain in his right.
2. Red rash… on his body.
3. Lack of vitamin”D” in the food may cause… .
4. He worked hard in the garden and his face was covered with… .
The first symptoms of rickets may appear very early when the child is only 2or3 months old.
The back of the head sweats and a wet place appears on the pillow.The baby tosses his head from side to side and the back of the baby’s head becomes bald.
The child often cries,sleeps badly.The child holds up his head later than other children do,sits later,walks later.Grown up children with rickets have protruding bellies,big heads and crooked legs.
The cause of rickets is lack of sunlight,vitamin”D” in the food and wrong care of the children.
If a mother feeds her baby correctly,keeps the baby in the open air for many hours,her baby will not have rickets.
-Now, OK. You are understand the text” Rickets”
-Yes. We understand the text.
3.New theme 15минут
All together open your copybook and write down today’s date and new theme” In the surgical department”. Now, I don’t before beginning the lesson after I am acquainted new words.
In the surgical department
You already know much about our family. Now I want to tell you about my father. My father is a doctor. He is a surgeon. He works at a large hospital in the surgical department. He works very hard. His work begins at nine. When he comes to the hospital he goes to his wards to examine his patients. He asks the ward nurse about the post-operative condition of his patients. She often tells him that there are no post-operative reactions. And sometimes she tells the doctor that the temperature of some of the post-operative patients is rather high and some of them have a swelling. The surgeon gives necessary instructions to the nurse and goes to the operating-room. He operates three days a week. I had my practice at the hospital where my father works and I learnt very much there.
The work at the surgical department is rather difficult but very interesting. I learnt much about surgical nursing, about the dressing of wounds and about the duties of a surgical nurse.
4.New words 5 минут
1.Surgical -хирургиялық хирургический
2.department - бөлім отделение
3.surgeon - оташы хирург
4.post-operative - операциядан кейін послеоперационный
5.reaction - асқыну осложнение
6.swelling - ісік, қабыну воспаление
7.operating-room - операция бөлмесі операционная
8.dressing - тану перевязка повязка
9.wound - жара рана
10.duty - міндеті обязанность
5.Grammar exercises 10 минут
Ex 1p72. Берілген сөз тіркестерін ағылшын тіліне аударыңыз.
Операциядан кейінгі науқастың жай-күйі, хирургиялық бөлім; науқасты тексеру; қажетті нұсқаулық беру; аптасына үш рет ота жасау; хирургиялық мейірбике; палата мейірбикесі; ісік.
Ex2p73 .Сұраққа жауап беріңіз.
1.Where does Ann’s father work?
2. When does his work begin?
3.Whom does he ask about the patients’ condition?
4.Has he many operations during a week?
5.Have you been at a surgical department?
Ex3.In the box there are words to do with in the surgical department. Decide what the four groups are, then complete the network.
Surgeon pills hat shoe tonsillitis
Patients gown appendicitis mask tablets
Pneumonia specialist nurse mixture injection
Gloves anesthesia
6.Brainstorming 10 минут
Now,students complete this chart.You are must write forms of disease and symptoms.Write down common for all signs.
Оқушылар ендігі сіздерге беріліп отырған тапсырма сіздер 4жерге 4түрлі аурудың белгілерін жазасыздар,ал ортасына сол ауруларға ортақ белгілерін жазасыздар.
pancreatitis appendicitis
disease of stomack , nausea high temperature
often vomits, weak, thirsty, nausea, don’t want appetite ,
don’t want appetite ,operation abdominal pain, weak ,vomit,
high temperature operation
tonsillitis tubercolosis
high temperature high temperature ,cough
sore throat, weak,
don’t want appetite,sweatly
don’t want appetite,
can’t swallow ,operation weak ,vomit ,operation
7.Tasks 10 минут
Берілген сөйлемдерді қазақ тіліне аударыңыз.
1.The patients postoperative course was without any complications.
2.A piece of plaster was stuck on the wound.
3.Preparing the hands before the operation the surgeons usually cutaway uneven parts of the nails and then clean the hands rubbing them hard with a brush,soap and hot water.
4.During the operation the surgeon made a cut with a scalpel.
5.This is a room where the surgeons,their assistants and surgical nurses get ready for the operation.
6.Is it difficult to give blood to the patient during the operation?
7.It is necessary to kill all bacteria on the surgical instruments by boiling them before the operation.
8.The surgical nurse must prepare sterile gowns,dressing and instruments beforehand.
9.The nurse made a thorough cleaning of the wound and then put a dressing on it.
10.When we attend the lectures of our professors we acquire much knowledge of medicine.
8.Cards 10 минут
Берілген сөздерден сөз тіркестерін құрастыр.
9 .Find the 13 words 5 минут
b w e a l p e l s u r g i c
a o b c d r e s s i n g r a
n u r s e g l o v e t n a l
d n c u d e p a r t m e n t
a d o r e a c t i o n s e s
g u m g o w n d u t y t a n
e p s e o n o p e r a t i o
10.Find the superfluous words.
A T E R H E H C A - H E A R T A C H E
D E I N I C E M - M E D I C I N E
I C T I S P I P E N D A – A P P E N D I C I T I S
L O I L I S T T I S N - T O N S I L L I T I S
11. Conclusion the lesson.
Now write down copybooks your homework. At first retell the text ”In the surgical department” after then learn the new words and complete the dialogue.
Our lesson is over. I am getting your marks… .
Thank you very much your participants.
Good –by!
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