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Intellectual talk show “The cleverest”. -

Intellectual talk show “The cleverest”.

Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1447 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие
. Intellectual talk show “The cleverest”
(Танымдық сайыс)

Attention, please!
Dear audience, judging members and participants of the intellectual show “The cleverest”. The aim of the show is to identify the best pupils who know about Britain well.
The theme of the show is “How much do we know about Britain?” This is written on the scene.
The judging members are … … …
The show consists of three tours.
The first is selecting tour.
Please students of forms 6 a, b will come to the stage and do their task. The task is to write up these sentences with correct punctuation, capital letters and geographical names. Only 3 best students with perfect written dictation will take part in the second tour.
Students, take your places. Now write down. While they are writing their exercise Махамбетжанова will recite R. Burns’s poem “My heart is in the Highlands”
Time out! Please, pass your notes to me. While we check your written work some pupils will sing a song.
6 a , a group of girls – Jingle Bells
6 b , a group of girls – My bonny lies over the ocean
Dear judges. Well select 3 best written work, they will take part in the second part. Who wins the highest points will choose the colours of step.

Many places in London are connected with the crown there are royal places Royal parks royal roads and royal streets the most important is Buckingham palace where queen Elizabeth 11 lives there are ten royal parks around London each park has its own character.

1. Royal family.
2. Buckingham Palace.
3. Shakespeare’s family.
4. The life of Shakespeare.
5. Shakespeare’s famous plays.
6. Geography of England.
7. Places of interest of England.
8. The parts of England.
9. The symbols of England.
10. Scotland’s sightseeing.
11. R. Burns.
12. Geography of Scotland

The second round
The students will choose the colours. There are 12 themes. You will choose any of them and there are tasks that will be given, you are asked to answer them.
Tasks are;
1. I know I have the body of a weak and feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king.
Whose speech is this sentence?
2. There is a monument in front of Buckingham Palace of her. She ruled the country for the longest period of the English history, but didn’t live long in England and there are famous places that remind us her and her love.
Who is she? Why didn’t she live in London?
3. Acting? Actors are dirty, wicked people. They are all thieves and criminals. They drink all day and never go to church.
Who said this sentence?
1. What does this picture remind you? Who lived in it?(The picture of Shakespeare’s birthplace will be shown)
2. Two youth loved each other. But their parents didn’t let them marry and wanted her to a rich man, but she didn’t want. At last they died drinking poison. They were buried to one grave and two counties became friends.
This is the story of Shakespeare’s one play. Name the play.
3. England is situated in an island and has a mild climate.
Say if it has a continental climate.
4. The ancient historical place which Christopher Wren built for 35 years.
What place is it?
5. A very flat area with a lot of farms. Oliver Cromwell’s birthplace, the famous University of Cambridge, the Fens.
What part of England is it?
6. What county’s symbol is this? What do we call it?
7. What place is the residence of the Queen in Scotland?
1. Complete the poem
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North……
Poem “My heart is in the Highlands”
2. Why is Scotland divided into two parts?

II tour
They will choose the colours. There are 12 themes of questions, you will choose the theme, I will read the task and you will answer it. If you can not answer the questions you will slip to penalty.
That theme would you choose? If there answer is not correct will ask the audience and my assistants will give a medal to each correct answers. I have 2 assistants, 1 to give medals, the 2nd to say to raises hands first.

1. It was Queen Elizabeth I, she ruled the England and defeated Norway Armada, made England rich.
2. Queen Victoria, she ruled England the longest period, married to Albert, but he was died later and it was a great tragedy to Victoria and she left London to live the place where they got married.
3. It was Anna Heathrow, Shakespeare’s wife. She was very close to church. And didn’t like Will to put act.
4. This is the birthplace of W. Shakespeare. His father and mother lived there with their 8 children. His father was a glove maker and they sell it there.
5. The name of Shakespeare’s play is Romeo and Juliet. They loved each other very much, but they were unhappy at last they died. Though 400 years passed the play is still on the stage and people love it.
6. England is situated on an island. That’s why there won’t be continental climate. It has wet climate.
7. There are several ancient interesting places in England. The place that Chris Wren built for 35 years is St. Paul’s Cathedral.
8. There are 5 parts of England we know. The place that described now is East Anglia. Flat area with lots of gardens.
9. It symbolizes United Kingdom. The Union of four countries. They call a Union Jack.
10. In Scotland there are many interesting and historical places. But the Residence of the Queen is the Hollyrood Palace.
11. Fare well to the Highlands, Fare Well to the North.
The birthplace of Valaur the country of Earth
Wherever I wonder wherever I rove
The hills of the Highland for ever I love.
12. It is geographically divided into two parts because their land is in the north is high and in the south law.

III tour
III tour of our show is play with the audience. There are about 20 questions. Who know the answer, please raise your hands and answer them, if your answer is correct you will take a medal. Who have more medals will be presented.
There are some dictionaries to you for your best play. It reads it is to you.

1. When the Great fire of London was broke out? 1966
2. When did Romans come to England for the first time?
3. What town did the Romans build near Thames?
4. Why did William the Conqueror build the White Tower in the Tower of London?
5. What is the official name of Great Britain now?
6. Why the clock of Houses of Parliament is called Big Ben?
7. When is Halloween?
8. What country is called the ‘garden of England’? The country of Kent. In Southeast.
9. What is Stratford upon-Avon Famous for? Birthplace of W. Shakespeare
10. Why is King Henry VIII remembered in the country and in the whole world?
He was very powerful monarch
8. What places in London are connected with Queen Victoria and Prince Albert?
Royal Albert Hall, Albert Victoria Museum
9. Who will be the next monarch after Queen Elizabeth II?
10. Do you know when Queen Elizabeth II came to throne? 1952
11. Did Shakespeare marry to older or young lady?
12. Where can you listen to concerts of classical music?
13. What is the name of Traditional Christmas song?
14. Is Edinburgh an ancient or young city?
15. What big river flows across the country?
16. What are the largest and busiest cities of Scotland?
17. What is the Edinburgh military tattoo?
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