№ 16 жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі “ Magic Mustard” .
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1860 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие“ Magic Mustard”
өткізген: БекмуханЖ.Б.
2009-2010 оқу жылы
Date/күні: 27.01.2010
The themе/Тақырыбы: “Magic Mustard” / «Сыйқырлы қыша»
Form/сынып: 5 «А»
Aims/Мақсаты: Оқушыларға тақырыпты түсіндіру. Оқушыларды жаңа сөздермен олардың транскрипциясымен және олардың аудармасымен таныстыру. Оқушылардың есте сақтау, еске түсіру, ойлау және тыңдау қабілеттерін дамыту. Оқушыларды ұйымшылдыққа, бір-бірін тыңдай білуге, өз тілін және өзге тілді сыйлауға және еңбекке тәрбиелеу.
Interaction/Пәнаралық байланыс: Kazakh/қазақ тілі
Type/Сабақтың түрі: Mixed lesson/аралас сабақ
Method/Әдісі: Answer – question,/сұрақ-жауап
Visual aids/Көрнекілігі: суреттер, карточкалар
The procedure of the lesson/Сабақтың барысы
І. Organization moment/Ұйымдастыру кезеңі.
T: Good afternoon dear teachers, guests. We are glad to see you. I think you will enjoy our lesson.
- Who is on duty today?
- What date is it today?
- Who is absent?
- What season is it now?
ІІ. Warm-up/Фонетикалық жаттығу.
Good, better, best
Never, never, rest
Till your good is better.
And your better best.
III. Checking the homework/Үй жұмысын тексеру.
T: What was your home task?
P: Ex: 14 pg: 225 “Trains” by heart the learn
IV. New words/жаңа сөздер
salt [solt] тұз
Pepperpot Palace [‘pepәp t] [‘pælis] Бұрыш сарайы
mustard [‘m stәd] қыша
believe [bi’li:v] cену
Vinegar [‘vinәgә] уксус, сірке суы
Witch [wit∫]
bridge [brid ] көпір
IV.1. Practice/Практикалық бөлім.
I am sure you like to read fairy-tales, open your books ex: 15 pg.226
Can you guess and translate the title of the tale? Now you will read the fairy-tale. Please, begin.
I hope we can answer the questions about this fairy-tale. So, the 1st task.
Task 1
Answer the questions
1. Who lived in Spice Country? – Queen Salt and her son Prince Pepper lived in Spice Country.
2. Who is Sarah Sweet? – She is the Prince’s friend.
3. What is the Prince’s favourite food? - The Prince’s favourite food is mustard.
4. Where does Vinegar Witch live? – she lives in a castle which is in the mountains.
5. Where did Sarah Sweet live? – She lived in a poor house near the bridge.
6. How could she get to the Witch? – She could get to the Witch by plane.
7. Who stole all the magic mustard seeds? – The Vinegar Witch stolen all the magic mustard seeds.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree?
sentences agree disagree
1 Prince was very poor He was very rich.
2 Sarah is the Salt Queen Sarah is Prince’s friend
3 Sarah Sweet lived in a poor house near the bridge.
4 “To the airport” was the answer
5 Sarah did not buy a ticket. Sarah bought a ticket
Task 3
You can see the pictures on the blackboard. Will you find and read the sentences to illustrate the pictures.
1 – picture: Once upon a time there was Spice Country. In the capital of the country, in its main square there was the Pepperpot Palace where Queen Salt and her son Prince Pepper lived.
2 – picture: One day Sarah went to visit Prince Pepper. She found him in bed as he was ill.
3 – picture: Suddenly Sarah saw a taxi. “Taxi, taxi” cried Sarah.
V. Homework/Үй тапсырмасы
- At home you will prepare your questions on the text and good reading of the dialogue between Sarah, the Queen and the doctor.
VI. Conclusion/Қорытыды
I think, now we can make a conclusion. Can we say that Prince Pepper had real friends?
Was Sarah a good friend and why? How can you prove it?
VII. Marks/Бағалау
Today you worked very well.
I’ll give you good marks.
The lesson is over Good-bye!
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