The theme of the lesson: Merry Christmas Merry Christmas.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 2668 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеAims of the lesson: 1.to develop communicative skills and abilities;
2. to discuss holidays in different countries;
3.to work in groups.
The Procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment
II. Warm up.
Teacher:Good day , dear pupils . We shall speak about British holidays .I hope you will enjoy our demonstrative lesson.
We know that people in every country celebrate holidays. The word “ holiday” means “Holly day” .Most holidays in Great Britain are not religious , but commemorative in nature and origin.
III.Vocabulary . Read and the understanding.
Commemorative- ұмтылмас күн
Annual- жыл сайынғы
Nomadic- көшпелі
Messages- қысқа хат
Commonwealth- достастық
Amazing- ғажап
Dedication- арнау
Decorate- безендіру
Ornament- ою,әшекей
Lights- жарық
IV. T-P1,P2…
If a person would like to write a few lines to his friends or relatives, he usually sends postcards- holiday’s postcards, birthday postcards,Christmas and New Year postcards.Greeting cards are big business in Britain. English- speaking person who is sending a postcards of a very informal nature to his friends or relatives writes like this:
Greeting: Dear Pat, Dear Andy
Closing; Love/ Lots of love/Best wishes/Wish you were here.
Well, pupils, the postman came to our lesson. He has brought some holiday postcards.
V. Work with postcards.
A) Look at the interactiveboard.
Christmas Day Boxing Day Good Friday
\ | /
Holidays in Great Britain
------New Year
/ | \
Spring Bank Holidays Easter Monday Summer Bank Holiday
Christsas Day-Діни мереке
Boxing Day-Рождество мерекесінен кейінгі
Good Friday- Қасиетті жұма күні
New Year’s Day- Жаңа жыл мерекесі
Easter Monday- Пасха күні
Spring Bank Holiday- Көктем мерекесі
Summer Bank Holiday- Жаздың алғашқы күні
VI. Look at the interactiveboard.
I want to tell you some information about Christmas.
VII.Test .p.83.
A)Read the text and speak about traditions connected with Christmas.
b) Шығармашылық эссе.Берілген сөздерден сөйлем құрау.
С) Match the words. Үш тілде сәйкестендіру .
D) Топтық жұмыс.(сөйлемді толықтыру)
Е) Топтастыру диаграммасы. Retelling.
VIII.Doing of the ex.1.p. 84.
25-th of December-birth Religious holiday
\ /
of Jesus Christ \ /
----Stocking to receive gifts
Queen of the UK and / \
The commonwealth Christmas pudding
X.Home task. Ex. 4. to learn words and poems, to write greeting cards.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.