«Тексерілді» People and art.
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Жоланова И.Қ
Сабақтың тақырыбы: People and art
Сабақтың мақсаты:
Оқушыларға атақты суретшілер Әбілхан Қастеев пен Винсент ван Гог туралы түсінік беру
Сабақтың мақсаты:
1.Оқушыларға жаңа грамматикалық тақырыпты меңгерту, жаңа сөздермен таныстыру және оларды қолдану
2.Оқушылардың тыңдау, оқу, жазу қабілеттерін дамыту, шығармашылық қабілеттерін шыңдау
3.Оқушыларды өзара сыйластыққа, патриотыққа тәрбиелеу.
Сабақтың типі: жаңа білім беру
Сабақтың түрі: аралас
Сабақтың әдісі: кітаппен жұмыс, сұрақ – жауап, түсіндіру, әңгімелеу
Көрнекіліктері: интерактивті тақта, слайд көрсетілімдері, үлестірмелі қағаздар, суреттер
Пәнаралық байланыс: тарих, әдебиет, бейнелеу өнері
The procedure of the lesson:
І. Organization moment
А) Greetings:
T: Good afternoon dear girls and boys! I am very glad to see you.
P: Good afternoon teacher,
Good afternoon to you.
Good afternoon lesson,
We are glad to see you.
В) Conversation with duty
T: Who is on duty today?
T: Who is absent?
T: What date is it today?
T: What day is today?
T: What month is it now?
T: What season is it now?
С) Phonetic drill
“Painting is silent poetry, and poetry painting that speaks.”
ІІ. Checking up the home task
Ex.7 at p. 193 To translate the texts about famous people
IІІ. Presentation
A) Famous painters
Abylkhan Kasteev
Vincent Willem
van Gogh
Grammar: Compound nouns
A compound noun is a noun that is made up two or more words
The two parts may be written in a number of ways :
1. as one word: policeman, boyfriend
2. as two words joined with a hyphen: dining-table
3. as two separate words: fish tank.
There are no clear rules about this - so write the common compounds that you know well as one word, and the others as two words. The two parts may be:
IV. Practice
Ex. 9 at p. 137 a) Match the nouns:
1. hotel a) holiday
2. tourist b) concert
3. night c) friend
4. package d) room
5. rock e) attraction
6. pen f) life
b) Match compound nouns with the definitions below:
1. a person you write letters, but have never met – pen friend
2. a place which visitors like to see – tourist attraction
3. an event where you can hear a band playing – rock concert
4. the place where you sleep on holiday – hotel room
Ex. 8 at p. 136 Are there sentences true of false?
1. Van Gogh was very successful from the beginning.
a) right b) wrong c) doesn’t say
2. One of the Van Gogh’s first success was the Challenge Act.
a) right b) wrong c) doesn’t say
3. Abylkhan Kasteev first started acting in Almaty.
a) Right b) wrong c) doesn’t say
4. Abylkhan Kasteev was the first to be honored the title of National Arts of Kazakhstan.
a) right b) wrong c) doesn’t say
5. Vincent van Gogh produced 900 painting and 1100 drawings.
a) right b) wrong c) doesn’t say
V. Relaxing time
To sing a song “If you are happy”
VII. Consolidate the new theme
A) to complete the diagram
Abylkhan Kasteev similarities Vincent van Gogh
VIII. Production
A) Giving home task
Ex 10, p. 138 Read and retell the text
Giving marks
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