Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
. The theme of the lesson: Personal Pronouns.
The aims of the lesson: to develop communicative skills and abilities through different communicative activities;
-to teach the usage of the verb “to have”
-to encourage real use of language in group and pair work
-to develop the student`s interest for the language, singing a song, playing games
Visual aids: active board, pictures, letters

I.Org moment:
-Good morning, boys and girls.
-Meet our guests!
- Good morning.
Slide № 1 . Satellite Link: “Kazakhstan - America”
Sit down, please. Today we have an unusual meeting. We have a satellite link n between Kazakh and Russian pupils. First of all, let`s draw lots to learn, which group is from Kazakhstan and which is from America.
-Жеребе суыру
The first team will be from Kazakhstan.
The second team will be from America.
-Let`s start our meeting with a song “What is your name?” The doys will ask the questions, the girls will answer.
Slide № 2 The song: “What is your name?”
Let`s acquainted. Now Asyl and Elnaz will tell us about themselves. Tell us what your name is and where you are from.
Asyl and Elnaz: My name is Asyl. I am from Kazakhstan. Etc.
Slide № 3. You can ask: “What is your name?, Where are you from?, How are you? ”
Slide № 4. My Friend
-Let`s check up your home task. My Friend
Slide № 5 “Family”.
-Can you talk about the family.
-«Саусаќ єні» орындау
This is my mother
This is my father
This is my sister
This is my brother
Slide № 6 Let`s see if you remember the words on the topic “Family”
Match the words and transcriptions with pictures.
Slide № 7 “Personal Pronouns” Boats.
What can you see here? Boats.
Slide № 8 “Personal Pronouns”
Slide № 9 ’Mr.Letter Vocabulary Work
Slide № 10 ‘’Mr.Letter ‘’ «Ж±бын тап» ойыны
Slide № 11 ‘’Mr.Letter ‘’ T t, K k єріптерін таныстыру
Slide № 12 Poem
K k is for kitten
Mm is for mitten
T t is for ten
P p is for pen
Slide № 13 The game: “Fishermen”
You must catch a fish and put it on the right plate. Then you must read the sentences
We have a friend. He has a father. She has a sister. They have a brother. I am from Kazakhstan.
I am from America.
Slide № 12 Home task
Thank you for your great work. Both the groups were good today and your marks.

Батыс Қазақстан облысы
Теректі ауданы, Феодоровка жалпы білім беретін мектебі
Қайырқұл Ш.С.
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.