БҚО,Орал қаласы М. Өтемісұлы атындағы сауықтыру мектеп-интернатының ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі Schools in Great Britain.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1460 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеТулеушова Бақыт Сатқанқызы
The theme: Schools in Great Britain
The aims: a) Оқушыларды жаңа тақырыппен таныстыру. Жаңа сөздер еңгізу және оларды дыбыстау.Өтілген грамматикалық материалды қайталау.
в) Оқушылардың тыңдап түсіне отырып, сөйлеу әрееттерін дамыту, тілге деген қызығушылықтарын арттыру.
с) Өзге тілді үйрене отырып, өз тілдерін құртетей білуге тәрбиелеу.
1) Educational aim: - To give information about the theme “Schools in Great Britain”.
- To enrich the pupil’s vocabulary and speaking habits on theme
- To activate their background knowledge in order to help them predict likely vocabulary in a given text:
2) Development aim: - To develop pupils’ critical thinking skills: - To develop perception, logic, imagination and creativeness: - understanding cause and effect:
3) Upbringing aim: – To bring up the pupils’ attitudes to getting knowledge:
- To bring up the pupils’ attitudes to getting knowledge:
- To explain the importance of getting knowledge:
The form of the lesson: Assimilation of a new material
The methods of teaching: brainstorming, individually work, group work, guessing the meanings of the new words, understanding information.
The visual aids: text book, slide show, pictures, Presentation Active Studio, cards.
Procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment (1 min)
II. Warm up. Ой толғау. Watching video. (4 min)
T: Everybody goes to school. Everybody is taught different things. But do we really learn about different things when at school? We are going to explore the aims of schooling. Why do you study? Why do you go to school?
We want to learn. It is interesting to study.
III Checking –up of the home task. Үй жұмысы
Learn the words. Ex III p 112 (6 min)
IV. New lesson.Жаңа сабақ. Our theme of the lesson is “Schools in Great Britain”(10 min)
a) work with new vocabulary– жаңа сөздер (Slide № 1)
attend –[ә’ tend] қатысу
classes – [kla:sis] сабақ
pay attention-[peiә’ tenƒn] назар аудару
school uniform –[sku:lju:nifom] мектеп формасы
purpose-[pə: pouz] мақсат
develop ability-[di’veləp ə’biliti]қабілетін дамыту
prepare –[pri’pεə] дайындау
b) work with the text– мәтінмен жұмыс ( Slide № 2)
Read the text. Try to understand the text. Look at the board!
School -мектеп Infant Junior Secondary Further Higher
Age- жасы 5-7 7-11 11-16 16 18
c) answer the questions – сұраққа жауап (Slide № 3)
1.What kind of schools are there in Great Britain?
2.When do children start going to school in GB?
3.When does compulsory education begin?
4. How long does primary education last?
5.What do children do in infant schools?
6.How long do they study at junior school?
7.What do pupils study at secondary school?
8.What are the types of secondary school in England?
d) True or False Дұрыс немесе Қате(Slide № 4) T F
1. Compulsory education in England begins at the age of five. __ __
2. In Great Britain children start going to school when they are seven __ __
3. Primary education lasts for five years. __ __
4. Infant schools children learn how to write and read and do maths. __ __
5. The teachers of schools don’t pay attention to each pupil. __ __
6. Modern schools are most popular in England. __ __
V. Grammar. Real Conditional I (5min)
See the Grammar table and practice
Look at the sentences and try to match two parts of each sentence.
1. If you _____ a book, I ______ it.
a) find/ will give b) will give/find
2. If it ___, we _______ at home.
a) will stay/rains b) rains/ will stay
3 If she ____ enough money, she________ a new dress.
a) has/ will buy b) will buy/has
4. We ________ to the cinema, if they ________ at 7 o’clock.
a) come back/will go b) will go/ come back
5. If they _____ on time, we _______ at 8 o’clock.
a) arrive/ will start b) will start/ arrive
VI. Conclusion. Бекіту.“Grouping” strategy – Топтастыру (5min)
Now, look at the scheme. Write your ideas.
VII.Reflection- Рефлексия (5min)
T. You have good results. Everybody has good marks. So, what does school mean for you? Can you tell me one sentence from the beginning the word “A school is a place where ….” What do you like at school? (All answers are welcome)
(we become cleverer, we have a lot of friends, we study interesting subjects, we learn new things)
What don’t you like at school? (All answers are welcome)
(we have no time for sports and hobby, we are tired of doing homework, we depend on teacher’s mood, we have many tests and exams, we worry about getting good marks)
VIII. Home task– Үй жұмысы: a) learning the words, speaking on the theme “Schools in Kazakhstan and Great Britain”. Ex IV p 116 (2 min)
IX. Giving the pupils’ marks. Бағалау(2 min)
The lesson is over!
Скачать методички (классные уроки) для учителей по разным предметам: история, литература, физика. Как провести урок с учеником, вам поможет грамотно составленный план урока. Занятия по математике, литературе, физике, информатике, химии, психологии.