Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
Some new jobs  in tomorrow’s world. -

Some new jobs in tomorrow’s world.

Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 3116 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие
. Plan of the lesson
Date: Today is the 17th of January
Grade: 9th
Theme: Some new jobs in tomorrow’s world
Text-book: English for 9th grade

Aims of the lesson:
 Talking about some new jobs in the tomorrow’s world; widening the meaning of the lesson theme
 To teach to work active, quickly
 To develop pupil’s logical thinking, speaking, reading and writing skills and habits
 To bring up respect and love for mother tongue, for foreign languages

Type of the lesson: mixed
Equipment: pictures, new words
Methods: explaining, speaking
Connection: Kazakh, Russian

The procedure of the lesson
I. Organizational moment
a) Greeting: - Good morning!
- Good morning, teacher!
- Thank you, sit down!
- Get ready for the lesson!
a) Duty’s report: - Who is on duty today?
- What date/day is it today?
- What month/season is it now?
- Who is absent?

I. Warm – up
New words
Collector – жинаушы
Painters – суретші
Story – teller – хикая айтушы
Life adviser – кеңес берушілер, психолог
People person – көмектескіш адамдар
Critics – сыншылар
Holiday – makers –мереке ұйымдастырушылар
Consumers – тұтынушылар
Work designers – жобалаушылар
Low – paid – төменгі жалақы
Well – paid – жоғары жалақы
Look after – қарау
Profession – мамандық

II. Checking up the homework
Homework: read the text “The modern servant – the nurse”.
Ex – 5. True or False?
A – F B – F C – F D – T E – T
Ex – 6. P-101
Afford – be able to provide
Share – divide or distribute portions
Serve – to take care of; to wait on; to prepare and supply; to complete a term of duty
Clear away – to take away, to clean, tidy; put away
Reassure – to help feel safe and comfortable
Interfere with – to prevent someone from doing what he wants to; to get in the way

Ex – 7. P-101

III. Presentation lesson theme
Dear students! Today we are having mixed lesson, it ‘s called “Some new jobs in tomorrow’s world”.
First of all, let’s read the text about new jobs in tomorrow’s world
Ex – 14a. Listen to the text below.
Some new jobs in tomorrow’s world
There will be many new professions in Tomorrow’s World to keep people busy. Here are some ideas for new professions:
Collector: People will collect things such as stamps, cards, matchboxes. They will put them on shows of their work for people to look at.
Painters: People will paint pictures on buildings and walls.
Story – tellers: People will tell stories to groups of people.
Life advisers: Life will be much more difficult for everyone to understand easily. There will be offices where people can go to talk, or get advice about problems.
People – persons: People will visit other people and see that they have no problems. They will look after someone’s baby, help with the housework, or go shopping.
Critics: People will watch television, listen to the radio, visit the theatre and cinema, and then write about it in special newspapers.
Holiday – makers: People will go on holiday, and then write about it in special newspapers.
Consumers: People will buy and use things and then write about how good or bad they were.
Work designers: These will be people who design work for other people.

Ex – 15,16,17. Answer the questions
Ex – 18. Read the text and answer to this question “Do you agree with Omar’s ideas?”
Ex – 19. What do you think, dear friend?

Grammar theme: GERUND
Герундийде етістік пен зат есімнің белгілері болады. Оның етістік сияқты шағы, етіс категориялары бар. Герундий негізгі етістікке – ing жалғауы жалғану арқылы жасалады.

Герундийдің сөйлемдегі қызметі мен қолданылуы:
Бастауыш – Subject
Теннис ойнау ол үшін қызық – Playing tennis is fun.

Есім сөзді баяндауыш (part of a compound nominal predicate (predicative) )
Оның сүйікті ісі саяхаттау – Her greatest pleasure is travelling
Толықтауыш – Object
Біз теннис ойнағаннан рахат аламыз – We enjoy playing tennis

Анықтауыш – Attribute
Сенің сәттілігің жайлы газеттен оқып сүйсіндім – I had the pleasure of reading in the newspaper of your success.

Пысықтауыш – Adverbial modifier
Студент тест жазуда бірнеше қателіктер жіберген – In writing the test the student made some mistakes.

Герундий формалары
Form Active Passive
Indefinite Reading He likes inviting his friends to his house Being read
Perfect Having read He mentioned having read in the paper. Having been read

Infinitive етістік пен зат есімнің қызметін атқаратын етістіктің жақсыз формасы. Әдетте инфинитив «to» демеулігімен қолданылады.
Инфинитивтің сөйлемдегі қызметі мен қолданылуы
Бастауыш – Subject
Бақытты болу әр адамның арманы –To be happy is everybody’s wish

Толықтауыш – Object
Мен француз тілін оқығым келеді –I want to study French

Анықтауыш – Attribute
Мыналар есте сақтау керек ережелер –These are the rules to remember

Пысықтауыш – Adverbial modifier
Ол мұғалім болуды оқып жатыр – She is studying to be a teacher

Есім сөзді күрделі баяндауыш – (part of a compound nominal predicate (predicative))
Оның арманы актриса болу еді – Her dream was to become an actress

Етістікті күрделі баяндауыш – Part of a compound verbal predicate
Ол өзінің жоспарларын айтуды бастады – He began to speak about his plans.

Ex – 21
a) Write out the sentences from the texts above with the Gerund.
b) Write out the sentences from the texts above with the Infinitive.

Ex – 22.
a) Listen to the text
b) Read the text. Do you believe this?

My ideas of future jobs
I guess that people will be all educated and will speak 3 – 4 languages. They will have computer skills. They will spend their free time quite differently. Most of the people will be going boating, bowling, camping, hiking, jogging, running, sailing, skating, skiing, swimming and fishing. In other words they’ll pay much attention to sports. Their slogans will be:

Be healthy and wealthy!
Enjoy your work

Enjoy your free time!
Travel to the space!

Ex – 24. Do you know the following idioms?
Conclusion. To conclude the lesson about new jobs, review grammar theme: gerund, infinitive.
Homework: new words
Read the text
Ex – 25. P-106.

The lesson is over !
Good bye!
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