School – gymnasium № 2 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1592 | Размер: | Автор: ТәрбиеThe United Kingdom
of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland
Keulimzhaeva Bazarkul Eleukizy
January, 2011
Shalkar, Aktobe region
School - gymnasium № 2
The teacher of English
Keulimzhaeva Bazarkul Eleukizy
The 22-nd of January, 2011
The 10-th form
The theme of the lesson: The UK
The objectives of the lesson:
To develop pupils’ geographical outlook, their abilities of speaking reading, writing and thinking;
To increase their word-stock and teach them to know more about the UK;
To teach pupils to love their Motherland and respect the culture and traditions of other countries.
Visual aids used at the lesson: interactive board, cards, the map of the UK.
Interactive link: Geography, Russian, History
The outline of the lesson:
I. The beginning of the lesson. (greeting, etc)
II. Checking up the home task
a) Topic “My Motherland”. P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 - etc
b) Check up pupils’ vocabulary taken at the previous lessons with the help of guessing the crossword. P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
III. New theme of the lesson: The United Kingdom.
a) Teacher’s short information about the UK and the motto of the lesson.
b) Introduction of new words according to the new text “The UK”.
c) Reading of the text and work with it. (Exercise 2 page 109)
IV. Classroom exercises:
Exercise 3 page 109 – in a written form.
Exercise 4 page 109 – orally. P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
V. Work with the map of the UK.
a) Teacher’s explanation.
b) Pupils’ topics about these countries, their flags and symbols. P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
VI. Let us speak: places of interests. Game “What is it?”
(There are 7 boxes on board. There are 7 pictures under each box. You must guess what it is and describe it) P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
VII. Conclusion. Check pupils knowledge with the help of intellectual game – test “What? Where? When?”
a) Teachers’ alive questions (1 question it simple one, 4 questions are alive)
b) Marks. Summarizing the lesson:
Home task for the next lesson: 1) find additional information about the places of interests of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
VIII. The end of the lesson.
The course of the lesson:
I. Teacher: Good morning pupils! Sit down. I’m glad to sec you. Let’s begin the lesson. I want you to be more active and show your knowledge of English.
1. s U p p o r t
2. l a N d s c a p e
5 3. a m p h I b i a n
4. m o u n T a i n o u s
g l a c i e r
6. m e D e u
7. r e m a r K a b l e
8. h o s p I t a l i t y
9. s w a N
10. s t u r G e o n
11. m i l D
12. f a l c O n
13. h u M i d i t y
II. Let’s check up your home task :
a) write topic about Motherland.
b) Revise all the new words
Teacher: I’ll check your vocabulary with the help of guessing the following crossword.
1. English equivalent of “қолдау”
2. What’s the English for “пейзаж, табиғат көрінісі“
3. On animal able to live both on land and in water.
4. English equivalent of “таулы”
5. Large body of ice moving slowly
6. The world’s famous skating –rink which is located 15 km from Almaty
7. Synonym of “wonderful”
8. What is it “қонақжайлылық”
9. The beautiful white bird – the symbol of love
10. What’s the English for “бекіре”?
11. Is the climate of Kazakhstan (жұмсақ)?
12. Have you ever seen a (қыран)?
13. What is it “ылғал”?
Teacher: What word do you see at the bottom of the crossword?
Pupils: The United Kingdom.
III. Teacher: Yes, you are right. The theme of our today’s lesson “The United Kingdom”. You already know a lot about Britain and its people, but some things are easily forgotten. Let us brush up our knowledge of this country. So the motto of our lesson is “The more we know together, the happier we are”. The best and the cleverest pupil of today’s lesson will take the ticket to London. Now, before reading, the text about the UK, let’s take the new words.
a) New words:
Although [ ] бірақ, дегенмен
Unitary [ ]
Separate [ ]
Identity [ai’dentiti] жеке бастылық
Frequent [fri:kwәnt] жиі
Variation [ ] әр түрлі
Distribute [di’stribju:t] тарату
b) Let’s read and work with text.
Exercise 2 page 109.
P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
c) Teacher’s leading questions.
- What is the full name of Great Britain?
- What kind of state is Britain?
- What is the highest Scottish mountain?
- What can you say about the weather of Britain?
P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
IV. Now, let’s do Exercise 3 (a) page 109 in a written form, Exercise 4 page 110. Exercise 3 – Match the words with their translation. Use only figures and letters.
e.g. 1 –c. 2 – d. 3 –a. 4 – b. 5 – b. 6- e. 7-g. 8- h.
Exercise 4 – Are the following statements True or False.
P1 – P2 –P3 – P4 – etc
V. Teacher: Look at the map of the UK. As you know the UK is situated in the north – west coast of Europe and it consists of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. As we said before each country has its separate national identities, variations in culture and tradition. Each country has its own flag, symbol and places of interests. The following task will be to make up topics in a few words about the national flags and symbols of these 4 countries.
P1: The Union Jack is the popular name given to the flag of Great Britain. It is a mixture of several flags. It all began in 1606 when Scotland was joined to England and Wales.
P2: The Scottish flag is blue with a white cross from corner to corner. Its symbol is the thistle.
P3: The English flag is white with Red Cross. Its symbol is red rose.
P4: The Irish flag is white with a red cross from corner to corner. Its national symbol is a shamrock and a red hand.
P5: The Welsh flag is white and green with a red dragon in the middle of it. Its symbol is daffodil.
VI. Teacher: Very nice. You are right. Besides of it, each country has its places of interests as each city of our country. Before playing the game, let’s do the following task “Find my second half”
Let’s play the game “What is it?”. There are seven magic boxes and there are seven pictures under each box. Your task is to find what it is and describe it in a few words.
Picture № 1
Trafalgar Square.
P1: Trafalgar Square is the place where mass meetings and demonstrations take place. It is in the centre of the west End of London.
Pictures № 2.
The Houses of Parliament.
P2: The Houses of Parliament in London. Known as the palace of Westminster, is the place where members of Parliament gather to make laws.
Picture № 3.
Piccadilly Circus.
P3: Piccadilly Circus is a square in the Central part of London. London’s famous theatres, cinemas and restaurants are on Piccadilly Circus.
Picture № 4.
Big Ben.
Big Ben is the name of the great bell clock which strikes the hour. It is in the Clock tower of the Houses of Parliament.
Picture № 5
Westminster Abbey.
Westminster Abbey is the historic building of London which was founded in the 11-th century. Many of Great Britain‘s famous men are buried on Westminster Abbey.
Picture № 6
The Tower of London
The Tower of London is the most famous historical building in London which was built in the 11-th century.
Picture № 7
Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace is one of the most famous buildings in the world. It is in the centre of London. It is the place where the Queen meets important visitors such as kings, queens or presidents of other countries. There are 6 hundred rooms and seven hundred people work there. Buckingham Palace is like a small village. There is a police station, a hospital, a bar, two (2) sports clubs, a disco, a cinema and a swimming pool.
VII. Teacher: You are right. Very nice. We’ve got a lot of information about sightseeing of only London. Your home task is to find information about sight seeing of other 3 countries.
Now, let’s summarize the lesson. I’ll check your Knowledge with the help of intellectual game “What? Where? When?”
There are five tasks or questions under each box. Choose any box you like.
Box №1
The teacher of Geography Tailibekova Kuralai puts alive question:
Ұлы Британияның біріккен патшалығы қай материкте орналасқан?
P1: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the north-west coast of Europe.
Box №2
The teacher of Russian Zhusupova Karima puts alive question:
Назовите имя известного шотландского поэта. Прочитайте одно из его стихотворений наизусть. (Либо на русском, либо на английском языке)
P2: Robert Burns is a famous Scottish poet. His poem “My Heart’s in the Highlands” was translated by Sergei Marshak.
I’ll recite it in English.
My Heart’s in the Highlands
Robert Burns
My Heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My Heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe;
My Heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,
The birthplace of valour, the country of worth;
Wherever I wander, wherever I love;
The hills of the Highlands forever I love.
My Heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My Heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer,
A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe;
My Heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go.
P3: I’ll recite S.Marshak’s translation of this poem in Russian.
В горах мое сердце
В горах мое сердце… Доныне я там.
По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.
Прощай, моя родина! Север, прощай,-
Отечество славы и доблести край.
По белому свету судьбою гоним,
Навеки останусь я сыном твоим!
В горах мое сердце… Доныне я там.
По следу оленя лечу по скалам.
Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.
В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.
Box № 3
The teacher of English Khasenova Gulshara puts alive question.
What is the full official name of the UK?
P4: The full official name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Box № 4
The teacher of history Zhumagalieva Saginish puts alive question.
Ежелгі Британия елінің қоныстанушыларын атаңыз.
P5: a) The ancient Celtic people.
b) The Germanic people such as the angles, Saxons and jutes.
c) Scots from Ireland.
Box № 5
It’s a proverb: East or West, Home is best.
Teacher: How do you understand the meaning of this proverb? You may give its meaning in any language you like.
(Pupils one after another give the same proverbs in 3 languages)
P1: Өз үйім - өлең төсегім.
Р2: Каждому свой дом кажется дворцом.
Р3: Әркімнің өз жері – жұмақ.
P4: Человек без Родины, что соловей без леса.
P5: Person without Motherland is a nightingale without forest.
Teacher: You are very quite right. Very nice. As you see, where we are in England or in Scotland there is no place like our native Motherland. We must be proud of our country and appreciate its national identities. Your marks for today’s lesson: P1 – exc; P2 – good etc
As I said at the beginning of the lesson , the best and the cleverest pupil will take the ticket to London. Who is she or he?
VIII. Stand up! The lesson is over. You are free. Good bye! Thank you to all of you!
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