№12 І.Қабылов атындағы орта мектебі «Welcome, welcome Nauruz day!».
Сабақ жоспары | Предметы | Ағылшын тілінен ашық сабақтар Загрузок: 0 | Просмотров: 1807 | Размер: | Автор: Тәрбие«Welcome, welcome Nauruz day!»
тақырыбындағы кеш
Dear guests, teachers and pupils!!!
We congratulate you with a great Kazakh national holiday Nauryz!!!
Let Nauriz holiday bring to all people a great success, good luck to everyone and everywhere!!!
Welcome to our party “Welcome, Nauryz day!”
Let’s begin our party!!!
P: -“Nauryz Meiramy” is a holiday Nauryz.
“Nauryz” is a Persian word which means “the new day”. Nauryz, which begins March 22, was always the main holiday for peoples of East.
Dance: Қара жорға
P2: Nayryz is the day when nature enlivens, day and night become equal in duration.
Nayriz is the holiday of spring, for Kazakhs the beginning of the year “Ulystyn uly kuni”, “Ulys kuni” is the people’s great day.
Scene: by pupils of 6a; 5a
The main characters: “Welcome, Nayryz day”
Snow crystals: Aigerim 6a
Aiken 5a
Nazdana 5a
Aryzhan 5a
Sun: Aizhan 5a
Winter: Alya 5a
Spring: Asel 5a
Nauryz: Nazira 5a
Snowdrops: Aiman, Ayakoz 5a
Tulips: Nazerke, Meruert 5a
Violets: Asel, Aizhan 6a
Snow crystals:
Let us laugh and let us sing,
Dancing in a merry ring!
Let us Laugh and let us sing,
Dancing in a merry ring!
Winter hand in hand with spring
Dancing in a merry ring!
Winter hand in hand with spring
Dancing in a merry ring!
(they see Winter and gather round her.)
Why are you crying, Mother?
Why are you crying, Mother?
Spring is coming, children!
Spring is coming, children!
Snow crystals:
Isn’t Spring your sister?
Isn’t Spring your sister?
No, she isn’t my sister.
No, she isn’t my sister.
Snow crystals:
What harm will she do?
What harm will she do?
She’ll bring the end of winter.
She’ll bring the end of winter.
One of the Snow crystals:
But we shall ask Spring to dance with us.
Winter and Snow crystals:
Let us laugh and let us sing,
Dancing in a merry ring!
(snow Crystals and winter gather round Spring. Winter holds out her hand. Spring accept it and resume dancing.)
Let us Laugh and let us sing,
Dancing in a merry ring!
Winter hand in hand with spring
Dancing in a merry ring!
Winter hand in hand with spring
Dancing in a merry ring!
Sun (appears from the right and exclaims in great indignation):
Winter hand in hand with spring
Dancing in a merry ring!
But flowers are waiting for you, Spring.
Snowdrops (appear from the right): Snowdrops are waiting for you, Spring!
Violets (appear from the right): Violets are waiting for you, Spring!
Tulips (appear from the right): Tulips are waiting for you, Spring!
Spring: Oh, I’m late! I am sorry.
Flowers and Sun (wave their hands driving Snow Crystals and Winter away):
Winter, Winter!
Go a way!
You are tired,
You cannot play.
Nauryz day!
Is coming now!
(Snow Crystals and Winter go out. The flowers and Spring begin to dance and sing):
In the merry month of Nauryz
All the flowers are gay,
They all sing and laugh and say:
“Winter days are far away!”
In the merry Nauryz day
All the flowers are gay,
They all sing and laugh and say:
“Wellcome, welcome, Nauryz day!”
Nauryz Day: Today is the Nauryz Day!
Song: “Nauryz”
Poem: Мен Қазақпын - Recited by (own translation)
Nauryz: is a holiday of renewal, purification, arriving of the spring, the birth of new life, love a beauty. This nation permeates many literature and scientific works of such Middle East geniuses as Makhmut Kazhgari, Aby Raikhan Birun, Ferdousi, and Omar Haiyam.
Dance: “Келіншек биі”
Song: “Happy New year”
-Kazakh people are rich in traditions and customs.
Let’s watch them.
Slides: “Shildehana”, “Besik toy”, “Sundet toy”, “Betashar”,etc.
P: -One of the major features of Nauryz is the traditional costumes that men and women wear.
“Ұлттық киімдер шеруі.”
Күй: “Балбырауын”
Song: “Сарыжайлау “
P: Now we say that Kazakh people are rich in traditions.
We’ll present one of our national traditions “Tusaykeser”. When a baby makes his or her first attempts to walk, the parents invite guests for a tusaukeser toyi. The right to cut the bonds on a child’s legs cannot be given to just anyone. “Tusau kesushi” must be a positive person in every way: a wise, honest, solid person whose life is exemplary.
Nowadays people usually opt for the motley threads – “ala zhip”. Every color has its meaning:
White is for nobility;
Green is for longevity;
Red is for wealth.
Dance: Қамажай.
Song: “Қазақы дастарханым”.
B1: Spring3!
The trees are green,
Blue sky is seen
Grey winter’s gone away
Spring is dancing without vest
In a beautiful green dress
Flowers grow under her feet
Singing birds her coming greet.
B2: There are a lot of jokes and fun on Nauryz meiramy.
Hodja Nasredin and Aldar kose are main comic heroes. Many stories are connected with them.
1) Aldar kose and foolish bai
2) Hodja and his donkey
3) Aldar kose and his fur coat.
Kyu: “Ерке сылқым” pupil of 10a Erkin
B1: During Nauryz meiramy people clean houses, yards, streets, plant trees, congratulate each other with New Year. If the people quarreled or offended each other they must reconcile and forgive each other.
Song: “Кел, жаңа жыл!!!”
B2: Dear teachers and guests our party is coming over.
Let’ listen to Nauryz Bata.
- Let Nauryz bring success,
People of Kazakhstan be happy,
Mothers be glad with their children
and children be served as real citizen of Kazakhstan.
Let our society provide, Political stability,
economical growth, social progress and individual freedom.
Let GOD hear our Bata!
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