Наставник - сайт Открытых уроков. Учителя Казахстана. Образование в Казахстане
Инглиз  алфавити -

Инглиз алфавити

Сабақ жоспары | Документы | Авторлық бағдарлама Загрузок: 419 | Просмотров: 1979 | Размер: 361.6 Kb | Автор: Тәрбие
. Инглиз алфавити
The English letters
№ Һәрипләр транскрипция оқулуши
1 Aa [ei] (ей)
2 Bb [bi:] (би)
3 Cc [si:] (си)
4 Dd [di:] (ди)
5 Ee [i:] (и-и)
6 Ff [ef] (эф)
7 Gg [ʤi:] (җи)
8 Hh [eiʧ] (эйч)
9 Ii [ai] (ай)
10 Jj [ʤei] (җей)
11 Kk [kei] (кей)
12 Ll [el] (эл)
13 Mm [em] (эм)
14 Nn [en] (эн)
15 Oo [‘əu] (оу)
16 Pp [pi:] (пи)
17 Qq [kju:] (кью)
18 Rr [ɑ:] (аа)
19 Ss [es] (эс)
20 Tt [ti:] (ти)
21 Uu [ju:] (ю)
22 Vv [vi:] (ви)
23 Ww [dʌblju:] (дабл ю)
24 Xx [eks] (экс)
25 Yy [wai] (уай)
26 Zz [zed] (зед)

Инглиз тилида 26 һәрип бар. Уларниң 6 созуқ тавушлар (vowels) A [ei:], E [i:], I [ai], O [‘ou], U [ju:], Y [wai].
20 үзүк тавушлар (consonants)

үзүк тавушларниң оқулуши вә уларниң сирлири
һәрипләр Аһаңлар Уйғур тилида мисал Һәрипләрниң қошулуп оқулиши
Bb [b] (б) m һрипидин кейин оулмайду
comb [koum]
Cc a, o, u. алдида [k] болуп оқилиду.
e, i, y. алдида [s] болуп оқилиду. (к)
(с) 1. Ch-[ʧ] (ч)
2. К һәрипиниң алдида окулмайду nick [nik]
Dd [d] (д)
Ff [f] (ф)
Gg a, o, u. алдида [g] болуп оқилиду.
e, i, y.алдида [ʤ] болуп оқилиду. (г)
(җ) -get, girl, give [g] (г)
-Gorg [ʤ] (җ)
Hh [h] (һ) Ch-[ʧ](ч), sh-[ʃ] (ш), ph-[f] (ф),
th- [ ð] (з) яки [θ] (с)
Jj [ʤ] (җ)
Kk [k] (к) Nn һәрипиниң алдида оқулмайду knee [ni:]
Ll [i] (л)
Mm [m] (м)
Nn [n] (н)
Pp [p] (п) ph-[f] (ф) phone
Qq [kw] (кв\у)
Rr [r] (р)
Ss [s], [z] (с)яки(з) Sh- [ʃ] (ш)
Tt [t] (т) th- [ ð] (з) яки [θ] (с)
Vv [v] (в)
Ww [w] (в\у)
Xx [ks] (кс) Бәзидә [gz] (гз)
Zz [z] (з)

созуқ тавушларниң оқулуши
vowels І. Очуқ боғум
(“е” ахирида оқулмайду) II. йепиқ боғум (үзүк тавуш билән аяқлишидиған һәрипләр) ІІІ. Созуқ тавуш +r
Aa [ei] cake [æ] map [ɑ:] car
Oo [‘əu] sofa [o] box [ɔ:] fork
Ee [i:] tree [e] pen [ə:] her
Uu [Ju:] tube [ʌ] bus [ə:] turn
Ii\ Yy [ai]\ [wai] kite\ fly [i] pig, system [ə:] girl

Шәхслик алмашлар Шәхслик алмашларниң түрлиниши
Бирлик түри Көплүк түри Бирлик түри Көплүк түри
I. I- мән We-биз Me-маңа Us- бизгә
II. You- сән You-силәр You-саңа You -силәргә

She у
It нәрсиләрни
М: it is a cat. They-улар Him
Her Them -уларға


Кишилик алмашлар кишилик алмашларниң түрлири
Бирлик түри Көплүк түри Бирлик түри Көплүк түри
І. My-мениң Our-бизниң Mine-мениң Ours-бизниң
ІІ. Your-сениң Your-силәрниң Yours-сениң Yours-силәрниң
ІІІ. His
Her униң
Its Their-уларниң His
Hers Theirs-уларниң

Өзлүк алмашлар Умумий алмашлар
Бирлик түри Көплик түри Everybody-һәммиси
Everyone-һәр бири
Everytime-һәр қачан, һәр вақитта
Everywhere-һәммә йәрдә
1.Myself-мән өзәм

2.Yourself-сән өзәң

у өзи
Herself 1.Ourselves- биз өзимиз

2.Yourselves-силәр өзәңлар

3.Themselves-улар өзлири


Көрситиш алмашлар
Бирлик түри Көплик түри
Йенида турған нәрсини көрсәткәндә This-Мону


Жирақта турған нәрсини көрсәткәндә That-әву






Бәлгүсиз(indefinite) вә болумсиз(negative) алмашлар.
Алмашлар (some, any, every.) вә уларниң ясилиши

Түрлири Бәлгүсиз алмаш Ясилиши (body\ one-тән)
Хәвәр Some- қандақла болмисун
Any- кимла болса
Someone\somebody-кимла болмисун
Anyone\anybody-кимла болса
There is someone\somebody in the garden.
Бағда бири бар.
Соал Any- кимла болса
Anyone\anybody- кимла болмисун
There isn’t anyone\anybody in the garden
Бағда һечким йоқ.
Is there anyone\anybody in the garden?
Бағда бири барму?
Болумсиз No\not any-Һеч қандақ No one\not
No one| nobody| not anyboу һеч ким
There is no one| nobody in the garden.
Бағда һеч ким йоқ.

Жүмлиниң һәр хил түрлири Every-һәр бир Everybody\everyone-һәр бир
Everybody\everyone likes fruits.
Һәмиси йемишләрни яхши көриду.


thing- зат something-немили болса бир нәрсә
there is something in the box.
Бу каробкиниң ичидә бир нәрсә бар.
Any anything- немили болса бир нәрсә

there isn’t anything in the box.
Бу каробкиниң ичидә һеч нимә йоқ.
Is there anything in the box?
Бу каробкиниң ичидә бир нәрсә барму?
No nothing-һеч немә,һеч нәрсә
there is nothing in the box.
Бу каробкиниң ичидә һеч нәрсә йоқ.
Every Everything-һәммиси
Everything is interesting in this book.
Бу китапниң ичидә қизиқ нәрсиләр бар.

Жансиз нәрсиләгә қоллинидиған алмаш.




Much, many, a lot of\ lots of. (нурғун, көп)

Countable nouns
Санилидиған исимларға қоллинилиду Uncountable nouns
Саналмайдиған исимларға қоллинилиду
Many (are)
Many girls- нурғун қиз
Many boys-нурғун оғул
Many books-нурғун китап
There are many books on the boor-shelf. Much (is)
Much snow-көп қар
Much money-нурғун ахча
Much time-көп вақит
There is much water in the vase.

How many
How many books?- Қанчилик китап?
Қанчә?, нәччә?
How much
How much snow?- Қанчилик қар?

A lot of\ lots of- нурғун, көп
There are a lot of books on the books-shelf. – шкафниң ичидә нурғун китап бар.
There is a lot of water in the coffee pot.- чөгүнниң ичидә нурғун су бар.

A few, a little, few, little (аз )
Санилидиған исимларға қолиниду.
A few\ few Саналмайдиған исимларға қоллинилиду.
А little\ little
few books-китаплар аз
few girls-қизлар аз
few boys-оғуллар аз little time-вақит аз
little money-ахча аз
little snow-қар аз

A little
азирақ (һазирғичә йетиду)
A few

аз (йәнә керәк)


1 What немә What’s this? Бу немә?
2 Which қайси Which of them? Униң қайсуси?
3 Who Ким, кимни Who was that? У ким болидекинә?
4 Whom кимни Whom did you meet? Сән кимни учраттиң?
5 Whose кимниңки Whose book is it? Бу кимниң китави?

Инглизчә Оқулуши тәржимиси Қазақ тилида
January [ʤænjuəri ] Қәһритаң Қаңтар
February [‘februəri ] Һот Ақпан
March [mɑ:ʧ] Норуз Наурыз
April [ eipri’l] Үмүт Сәуір
May [mei ] Баһар Мамыр
June [ ʤu:n] Сәпәр Маусым
July [ʤu:’lɑi ] Чиллә Шілде
August [ɔ:ɡəst ] Томуз Тамыз
September [sep’tembə ] Мизан Қыркүйек
October [ ɔk’toubə] Оғуз Қазан
November [no(u)’embə ] Оғлақ Қараша
December [di’sembə ] Конәк желтоқсан

инглизчә оқулуши тәржимиси Қазақ тилида
spring [] әтияз көктем
summer [] яз жаз
winter [] қиш қыс
Autumn [] күз күз

The Numeral
Санлар (қанчә?) Рәтлик санлар (қанчинчи?)
0 Zero 0
1 One 1st The first- [fə:st]
2 Two 2nd The second- [sek(ə)nd]
3 Three 3rd The third -[θə:d]
4 Four 4th The fourth -[fɔ:θ]
5 Five 5th The fifth- [fifθ]
6 Six 6th The sixth- [siksθ]
7 Seven 7th The seventh- [sevnθ]
8 Eight 8th The eighth- [eitθ]
9 Nine 9th The ninth- [nainθ]
10 Ten 10th The tenth- [tenθ]
11 Eleven 11th The eleventh- [i’levnθ]
12 Twelve 12th The twelfth- [twelfθ]
13 Thirteen 13th The thirteenth- [θə:tinθ]
14 Fourteen 14th The fourteenth- [fɔ:tinθ]
15 Fifteen 15th The fifteenth- [fiftinθ]
16 Sixteen 16th The sixteenth- [sikstinθ]
17 Seventeen 17th The seventeenth- [seventinθ]
18 Eighteen 18th The eighteenth -[eitinθ]
19 Nineteen 19th The nineteenth -[nintinθ]
20 Twenty 20th The twentieth -[twentiθ]
21 Twenty one 21st The twenty first- [ tweti fə:st]
30 Thirty 30th The thirtieth -[θə:tiθ]
40 Forty 40th The fortieth- [fɔ:tiθ]
50 Fifty 50th The fiftieth -[fiftiθ]
60 Sixty 60th The sixtieth -[ sikstiθ]
70 Seventy 70th The seventieth -[seventiθ]
80 Eighty 80th the eightieth- [eitiθ]
90 Ninety 90th The ninetieth- [nintiθ]
100 one hundred 100th The hundredth- [hʌndredθ]
101 One hundred and one 101st The hundred and first-[hʌndred ənd wʌn]
1000 One thousand 1000th The thousandth-[θɑuzəndθ]
1001 One thousand and one 1001st The thousand and first-[θɑuzənd ənd fə:st]
1056 Ten fifty-six
1983 Nineteen eighty-three
1807 Eighteen 0 seven
2007 Two thousand seven

Исимларниң көплүк қошумчилири.
The plural form of nouns.

Исимларниң көплүк қошумчилар билән түрлиниши мисал тәржимиси Қошумчиларниң оқулуши

Жараңсиз үзүк тавушлардин кейин

a book-books
a cup-cups Уйғур тилида -лар, -ләр, қошумчилири қошилиду
Китап- китаплар
Чинә- чиниләр [s]
Жараңлиқ үзүк тавушлардин кейин a name-names
a girl-girls Исим -исимлар
Қиз- қизлар [z]
сирлаңғу тавушлардин кейин
-ch, -sh, -x, -s, -z: -es a dress-dresses
a bush-bushes
a fox-foxes
a church- churches Көйнәк көйнәкләр
Түлкә түлкиләр
-y һәрипи билән аяқлашқанда
1) созуқ + y

2) үзүк + y i
a toy- toys
a boy –boys

a country –countries Оюнчуқ- оюнчуқлар
Оғул -оғуллар

Аилә -аилиләр
мәмликәт-мәмликәтләр [z]

-f\fe һәрипләр билән аяқлашса ves a leaf –leaves
a shelf -shelves Йопурмақ- йопурмақлар
Тәкчә-тәкчиләр [vz]

Ярим 1\2 A half
Үчтин бир 1\3 A third
Төрттин бир 1\4 A quarter
Бәштин бир 1\5 One fifth
Төрттин үч 3\4 Three quarter
Үчтин икки 2\3 Two thirds
Бир пүтүн иккидин бир 1 1\2 One and half
Бир пүтүн төрттин үч 1 3\4 One and three quarter
Ноль пүтүн ондин бәш 0.5 Nought point five
Бир пүтүн йүздин йәтмиш бәш 1.75 One point seventy five
Жигирмә төрт пайиз 24% Twenty-four per cent

Көплүк түриниң пәйда болуш алаһидилиги
Бирлик түри Көплүк түри Тәржимиси
teeth Адәм -адәмләр
Аял- аяллар
Пут- путлар
Өдәк- өдәкләр
Бала- балилар
Чашқан- чашқанлар
Буқа -буқилар
Чиш- чишлар


Сүпәтләрниң селиштурма түрлири.
The Adjective.
Инглиз тилида сүпәтләр өзгәрмәйду, пәқәт улар сүпәт ясиғучи қошумчиларниң улиниши арқилиқ ясилиду.
Сүпәтләрниң үч түри болиду.
Улар: Сүпәт (positive Degree ) cold
Селиштурма (Comparative Degree) +er colder
Ашурма яки күчәйтмә (Superlative Degree) the Adj +est the coldest
Көп боғумлуқ сүпәтләрниң алдиға қоюлиду. More, the most

1. ясилиши
Сүпәтләр Селиштурма күчәйтмә
Clod-соғ Colder-соғарақ The coldest-наһайти соғ
Big-йоған Bigger-йоғанирақ The biggest-наһайити йоған
Kind-ақ көңүл Kinder- The kindest-


-y, -er, -ow, -ble һәрипләр билән аяқлашқанда.
Сүпәтләр Селиштурма күчәйтмә
clever-әқиллиқ Cleverer- әқиллигәрәк The cleverest-наһайити әқиллиқ
easy-адий easier-адийрақ The easiest-наһайити аддий

2. көп боғумлуқ сүпәтләр.
Сүпәтләр Селиштурма күчәйтмә
Interesting-қизиқ more interesting-қизиғирақ the most interesting-наһайити қизиқ
Beautiful-чирайлиқ more beautiful-чирайлиғирақ the most beautiful-наһайити чирайлиқ
Comfortable-қолайлиқ more comfortable-қолайлиғарақ the most comfortable- наһайити қолайлиқ
умумий қаидиләрсиз сүпәтләрниң селиштурма дәрижилириниң ясилиши
Хата сүпәтләрниң ясилиши.
Сүпәтләр Селиштурма күчәйтмә
good-яхши better-яхширақ The best-наһайити яхши
bad-кона worse-конарақ The worst-наһайити кона
little-кичик less-кичигирәк The least-наһайити кичик
Much\many-нурғун More –нурғунирақ The most –наһайити нурғун

Zaporozhets is a good car

Moskvich is a better car

Ziguli is the best car
Бәлгүлүсиз вә бәгүлик артикль.
Indefinite and Definite Articles.

Инглиз тилида артикльниң икки түри болиду .
Улар: a, an бәлгүсиз артикль (бир) дегән мәнани билдүридү ,
The бәлгүлик артикль бәлгүлик бир нәрсини көрсәткәндә (мону) дәп ениқ ейтқанда қоллинимиз.
Бәлгүсиз- Indefinite a, an Бәлгүлик- Definite The
a a dog-ишт
a boy-оғул
a book-китап
a girl- қиз Бәлгүлик бир нәрсә тоғрисида ейтқандила

The sun-күн
The moon-ай
The sky-асман
The Earth-йәр
The world- аләм
Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu, Yy созуқ тавушларниң алдиға (an) артикильи қоллинилиду. an apple- алма
an elephant-пил
an octopus- сәккиз путлуқ
an umbrella-зонтик
an yogurt- йогурт

түрлири Бир нәрсини рәңгини шәклини ейтқанда
I see a cat.
The cat is black.
Мән мөшүк көрдүм. Мөшүкниң рәңги қара.
Мону сөзләрниң алдида: only (бирла), main (главный), central (мәркизи), left (соңға), right (оңға), wrong (дурус әмәс), next (келәси), last (ахирқи), final (йәкүн).

The only book I love- маңа яққан бирла китап
The main road-чоң йол
To the left-солға
To the right-оңға
It was the right answer-у дурус жавави болған.
The final-йәкүнләш тест

Рәтлик санлар алдида
The first-биринчи
The tenth-онинчи

Ашурма сүпәтләрниң алдиға
The best-наһайити яхши
The most interesting-наһайити қизиқ

Музыкилиқ әсваплар алдиға
To play the piano-пионино ойнаш

Газет, журнал, галерея, музей намлириниң алдиға
The hermitage- Эрмитаж

The Uigur avazy-Уйғур авази

Орун рәвишләр
Prepositions of place Prepositions

Prepositions of place

Орун рәвишлири

in front of-алдида
between- оттурида
among- арисида
in the middle of-мәркизидә
on the right-оңда
on the left-солда
at, by -йенида
not far-жирақ әмәс
a long way from-жирақ

Prepositions of Movement

Һәрикәт рәвишлири to the left-сол яққа
to the right-оң яққа
straight ahead-уттур
across- арқилиқ


Prepositions of
Вақит рәвишлири
пәслләр in the spring-әтиязда
in the summer-язда
in the autumn-күздә
in the winter-қишта

Days of the week
Һәптидики күнләр
on Monday-дүшәнби дә
on Tuesday-сишәнби дә
on Wednesday-чаршәнби дә
on Thursday-пәйшәнби дә
on Friday-жүмә дә
on Saturday-шәнби дә
on Sunday-йәкшәнби дә

Жиллар in May 1983- 1983 жили майда
in the 1990- 1990 жилида
during the eighties- сәксининчи жиллириғичә
Әсирләр in the 15-th century-15 чи әсирләрдә
during 18-th century- 18 чи әсирләргичә

at 2 o’clock- саат 2 дә
by 6 o’clock-саат 6 дин
since 4 o’clock-саат 4 тин
from 5 to 6- 5 тин 6 чә
till 10 o’clock- саат 10 чә in 3 days summer- 3 күндин кейин яз пәсли
for 2 weeks- 2 һәптидә
during the holidays- тәтилдә
before my summer holidays- мениң язлиқ тәтилимгичә.
after my summer holidays- мениң язлиқ тәтилимдин кейин.

Асасий җүмлә түзидиған ярдәмчи пеиллар.
Do пеил

Инфинитив (Infinitive ) To do What to do?-
Шәхсий формиси(Present simple) do\dose I do my exercises every day.-Мән көнүкмини күндә орунлаймән
ІІ формиси (past simple) Did I did it yesterday-Түнүгүн мән ишлидим
ІІІ формиси (past Participle) Done I have already done my homework-мән өй тапшурмисини һәр қачан орунлаймән
ІV формиси (present Participle ) Doing What are you doing now?-Һазир сән немә қиливатисән?
Have пеил
Инфинитив (Infinitive ) To have It’s wonderful to have a dog.-
Шәхсий формиси(Present simple) Have\has I have\ have got a dog.-
ІІ формиси (past simple) had I had two free days.-
ІІІ формиси (past Participle) had I have already had breakfast.-
ІV формиси (present Participle ) having I am having breakfast now.-
Инфинитив (Infinitive ) To be To be or not to be?.-
Шәхсий формиси(Present simple) am, is, are I am a teacher.-
past simple Was\were We were in Almaty.-
Future simple Will\shall be I’ll be cold.-
ІІІ формиси (past Participle) been Have you ever been to London?.-
ІV формиси (present Participle ) being Being my friend….-
Дурус җүмлә түзүш формулири
Алмашларниң ярдәмчи пеиллири.
be пеили am, is, are.
аm һәр қачан І билән биргә ясилиду. I am\ I’m
I’m Sabina. Мән Сабина.
I’m a girl\ a boy. Мән қиз\ оғул.
I’m 7 (years old). Маңа йәттә яш.
I’m sorry. Кәчүрисиз.
I’m happy. Мән бәхитлик.
I’m a doctor. Мән дохтур.

is һәр қачан he, she, it билән биргә ясилиду. he, she, it is\ he’s, she’s, it’s.
She’s Sabina. У Сабина.
She\ he’s a girl\ a boy. У қиз\оғул.
He’s 7 (years old). У йәттә яшта.
He’s thirsty. У уссап кәтти.
She’s happy. У бәхитлик.
It’s a dog. У ишт.

are һәр қачан we, you, they билән биргә ясилиду. we are, you are, they are.
We are Pupils Биз оқуғучи.
You are girls \ boys Сән қиз\ оғул.
They are 7 (years old) Уларға йәттә яш.
You are the best. Сән наһайити яхши.
They are happy Улар бәхитлик.
We are hungry Биз ач.
To be пеилиниң ясилиши
(Present simple (Indefinite) Һазирқи заман
Simple и Indefinite – бир заманниң икки түрлүк атилиши– аддий болушсиз. Грамматикилиқ заман топи simple \Indefinite иш һәрикәтниң әмәлгә ашқан яки ашмиғанлиғини билдүриду.
Заман топи Present (һазирқи), Past (өткән), future (келидиған) заманларни simple \Indefinite өз ичигә алиду

Хәвәр җүмлә
S + am, is, are Болумсиз җүмлә
S +( am, is, are) not Соал җүмлә
Am, is, are + S?
I am
I’m a boy.
I am not
I’m not a boy. Am I?
Am I a boy?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.
He is
He is hungry.
He is not(he isn’t)
He isn’t hungry. Is he?
Is he hungry?
Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t.
She is
She is a teacher.
She is not ( she isn’t)
She isn’t a teacher. Is she?
Is she a teacher?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
It is
It is a dog.
It is not (it isn’t)
It isn’t a dog. Is it?
Is it a dog?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t.
We are
We are students.
We’re We are not( we aren’t)
We aren’t students. Are we?
Are we students?
Yes, we are.
No, we aren’t.
You are
You are Uigur. You are not ( you aren’t)
You aren’t Russian. Are you?
Are you Uigur?
Yes, you are.
No, you aren’t.
They are
They are happy. They are not ( they aren’t)
They aren’t happy. Are they?
Are they happy?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
Вақит һалити, Present tansеқа хас
every ( day, year, lesson)-һәр( күни,жили, дәристә)
always-һәр қачан
from time to time-вақит өткәнсери
as a rule-қаидиләргә асаслинип

Хәвәр җүмлә
S + was Болумсиз җүмлә
S + was not Соал җүмлә
Was + S?
I was
I was a right. I was not (I wasn’t)
I wasn’t right. Was I ?
Was I right?
Yes, I was
No, I wasn’t
He was
He was hungry. He was not( he wasn’t)
He wasn’t hungry. Was He?
Was he hungry?
Yes, he was
No, he wasn’t
She was
She was a teacher. She was not (she wasn’t)
She wasn’t a teacher. Was She?
Was she a teacher?
Yes, she was
No, she wasn’t
It was
It was big. It was not ( it wasn’t)
It wasn’t big. Was It?
Was it big?
Yes, it was
No, it wasn’t
We were
We were the best We were not ( we weren’t)
We weren’t the best. Were We?
Were we best?
Yes, we was
No, we wasn’t
You were
You were kind. You were not( you weren’t)
You weren’t kind. Were You?
Were you kind?
Yes, you was
No, you wasn’t
They were
They were thirsty They were not (they weren’t)
They weren’t thirsty Were they?
Were they thirsty?
Yes, they was
No, they wasn’t
Past tansқа хас вақит һалити
the day before yesterday-алдинқи күни
ago ( 2 days, 3 years)-(икки күн, үч жил) бурун.
last ( year, week, month)-алдинқи(жили, һәптә, ай)
in 1998- 1998 жилида
To be пеилиниң ясилиши
(Past simple (Indefinite) өткән заман.
To be пеилиниң ясилиши
(Future simple (Indefinite) келидиған заман.
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + shall\will +be Болумсиз җүмлә
S + shan’t\ won’t be Соал җүмлә
Shall\ will + S+ be?
I shall be
I shall be 7 year old. I shall not be (I shan’t)
I shall not be 200 year old. Shall I be?
Shall I be 7 year old?
Yes, I shall
No, I shan’t
He will be
He will be right. He will not be (he won’t)
He won’t be eight. Will He be?
Will he be right?
She will be
She will be a teacher. She will not be ( she won’t)
She won’t be a teacher. Will She be?
Will she be a teacher?
It will be
It will be a big. It will not be ( it won’t)
It won’t be a bog. Will it be?
Will it be a big?
We shall be
We shall be the best. We shall not be ( we shan’t)
We shan’t be the best. Shall We be?
Shall we be the best?
You will be
You will be kind. You will not be (you won’t)
You won’t be kind.
Will You be?
Will you be kind?
They will be
They will be thirsty. They will not be ( they won’t)
They won’t be thirsty.
Will They be?
Will they be thirsty?
future tansқа хас вақит һалити
the day after tomorrow-өгүнлүккә
in (a year, 2 hours)-кейин . 1 жилдин кеин 2с кейин)

(Present simple (Indefinite) аддий Һазирқи заман.
Һазирқи заман түрлири
әгәр жүмлидә бирлик түридики исим яки 3-шәхс алмиши жүмлиниң егиси болса у чағда пеилға –s\es улиниду
go+ -s =goes [ɡəuz] have + -s =has [hæz]
do + -s = does [dʌz]
кетип баримән –кетип бариду мәндә бар - униңда бар ишләватимән -ишләватиду
he, she, it ------------runs----------- жүгрәватиду.
Хәвәр җүмлидә He runs, she runs, it runs.
Болумсиз җүмлижә He does not run, she does not run, it does not run.
Соал җүмлидә Does he run?, does she run? Does it run?
Хәвәр җүмлә
S +V1 Болумсиз җүмлә
S +do\does + not +V1 Соал җүмлә
do+ S+ V1 ?
I work I do not (don’t) work. Do I work?
Yes, I do
No, I don’t
He works He does not (doesn’t) work Does he work?
Yes, he does
No, he doesn’t
She works She does not (doesn’t) work Does she work?
Yes, she does
No, she doesn’t
It works It does not (doesn’t) work Does it work?
Yes, it does
No, it doesn’t
We work We do not(don’t) work do we work ?
Yes, we do
No, we don’t
You work You do not ( you don’t) work Do you work?
Yes, you do
No, you don’t
They work They do not (don’t) work Do they work?
Yes, they do
No, they don’t

(Past simple (Indefinite) аддий өткән заман формиси.

Past simple (аддий өткән заман формис) дурус пеилларға хәвәр жүмлидила + ed қошумчиси қошулиду, хата пеиларниң өткән заман формисида йезилиду.
Work-иш worked-ишлиди, ишлидим.
М: see-көрүш. saw-көрди, көрдүм.
Соал жүмлидә вә болумсиз жүмлидә do\does өткән заман формиси did пеили арқилиқ ясилиду.

Хәвәр җүмлә
S + V2 \ ed Болумсиз җүмлә
S + did +not +V 1 Соал җүмлә
Did + S + V1?
I worked
I saw I did not (didn’t) work- I didn’t see Did I work?
Did I see?
Yes, I did
No, I didn’t
He worked
He saw He did not(didn’t) work
He didn’t see Did he work?
Did he see?
Yes, he did
No, he didn’t
She worked
She saw She did not (didn’t) work
She didn’t see Did she work ?
Did she see?
Yes, he did
No, he didn’t
It worked
It saw It did not ( didn’t) work
It didn’t see Did it work?
Did it see?
Yes, it did
No, it didn’t
We worked
We saw We did not ( didn’t) work
We didn’t see Did we work?
Did we see?
Yes, we did
No, we didn’t
You worked
You saw You did not( didn’t) work
You didn’t see
Did you work?
Did you see?
Yes, you did
No, you didn’t
They worked
They saw They did not ( didn’t ) work
They didn’t see
Did they work?
Did they see?
Yes, they did
No, they didn’t
(Future simple (Indefinite) адий һазирқи заман.
Келидиған заман пеили-бу Shall яки to уланмисисиз will ярдәмчи пеили
I shall go to school tomorrow.
I he, she, it
Shall + V1 Will + V1 Will will +V1
We you, they

Хәвәр җүмлә
S + will\shall + V1 Болумсиз җүмлә
S + won’t\shan’t + V1 Соал җүмлә
Will\ shall + S + V1?
I shall work I shall not (shan’t) work Shall I work?
Yes, I shall
No, I shan’t
He will work He will not (won’t) work Will He work?
Yes, he will
No, he won’t
She will work She will not (won’t) work Will She work?
Yes, she will
No, she won’t
It will work It will not (won’t) work Will It work?
Yes, it will
No, it won’t
We shall work We shall not (shan’t) work Shall We work?
Yes, we shall
No, we shan’t
You will work You will not (won’t) work Will You work
Yes, you will
No, you won’t
They will work They will not (won’t) work Will They work?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t
Узақ вақит Progressive (continuous)
(to be) + ing
Continuous сөзини инглиз тилидин тәржимә қилғанда «үзлүксиз , узақ».дегән мәнани билдүриду

continuous групписидики вақитлири (simple (Indefinite) аддий вақит групписи һәрикәтни атапла қоймай, униң тәрәққий етишини, прогрессиясини көрситиду, мошуниң нәтижисидә Progressive дегән иккинчи нами чиққан
continuous групписидики вақит узақ вақит қоллинилиду,ениқ бир пәйттин башланған һазирқи,өткән;келидиған замандики болуватқан, болған вә болидиған һәрикәтни көрситиду . Бу һәрикәт турақсиз һәм вақити чәкләнгән
өткән заманға қаритилған continuous гупписиниң векторлирида , шундақла өткән вә келидиған заманға яки һазирқи заман һәрикитини көрситидиған миннәтлик түрдә һесават чекити болиду Дәл м.шу пәйттә (Past continuous)болған. (Present continuous)болуватиду.Яки (Future continuous)болиду.

Past continuous Present continuous Future continuous

6 o’clock(tomorrow) 6 o’clock( yesterday)
Түнүгүн саат алтидә. Һазир. Әтә саат алтидә.

Present continuous tense һазирқи заман давами
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + am, is, are +
V ing Болумсиз җүмлә
S +( am, is, are) not +
V ing Соал җүмлә
Am, is, are + S + Ving ?

I am working. I am not working.
I don’t working. Am I working?
What are you doing?
Yes, I am.
No, I am not.
He is working. He isn’t working. Is he working?
Yes, he is.
No, he isn’t.
She is working.
She is not (isn’t) working.
Is she working?
Yes, she is.
No, she isn’t.
It is working.
It is not (isn’t) working.
Is it working?
Yes, it is.
No, it isn’t.
We are working.
We are not (aren’t) working.
Are we working?
Yes, we are.
No, she aren’t.
You are working.
You are not (aren’t) working.
Are you working?
Yes, you are.
No, you aren’t.
They are working.
They are not (aren’t) working.
Are they working?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.

Past continuous tense өткән заман давами
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + was+ V ing Болумсиз җүмлә
S + was not+ V ing Соал җүмлә
Was + S +V ing?
I was working.
I was not (wasn’t) working.
Was I working?
Yes, I was
No, I wasn’t
He was working.
He was not (wasn’t) working.
Was He working?
Yes, he was
No, he wasn’t
She was working.
She was not (wasn’t) working.
Was She working?
Yes, she was
No, she wasn’t
It was working.
It was not (wasn’t) working.
Was It working?
Yes, it was
No, it wasn’t
We were working.
We were not (weren’t) working.
Were we working?
Yes, we was
No, we wasn’t
You were working.
You were not (weren’t) working.
Were You working?
Yes, you was
No, you wasn’t
They were working.
They were not (weren’t) working.
Were they working?
Yes, they was
No, they wasn’t


Future continuous tense Келидиған заман давами
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + shall\will +be+ V ing Болумсиз җүмлә
S + shan’t\ won’t be+ V ing Соал җүмлә
Shall\ will + S+ be + V ing?
I shall be working.
(I’ll be) I shall not be (shan’t) working.
Shall I be working?
Yes, I shall
No, I shan’t
He will be working.
(He’ll be) He will not be (won’t) working.
Will He be working?
Yes, he will
No, he won’t
She will be working.
(She’ll be) She will not be (won’t) working.
Will She be working?
Yes, she will
No, she won’t
It will be working.
It will not be (won’t) working.
Will it be working?
Yes, it will
No, it won’t
We shall be working.
(We’ll be) We shall not be (shan’t) working.
Shall We be working?
Yes, we shall
No, we shan’t
You will be working.
(You’ll be) You will not be (won’t) working.
Will You be working?
Yes, you will
No, you won’t
They will be working.
(They’ll be) They will not be (won’t) working.
Will They be working?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t

(Perfect tenses) «өтүмлүк вақит»топи ( Present Perfect tense)һазирқи , өткән (Past Perfect tense), вә келидиған заман (Future Perfect tense)пеиллиридин туриду .
Уйғур тилида Perfect топиға жүмлиниң мәнасиға қарап өткән заман пеилиниң өтүмлүк яки өтүмсиз түри тоғра келиду .
Өзигә хас хислити-һәрикәт вақитидики акцент.Һәрикәтниң болған болмиғини муһим әмәс.
(to have) + V-ed дурус пеилға \ V3 хата пеилға

Present Perfect tense һазирқи заман болған һәрикәт
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + have/has + V3 Болумсиз җүмлә
S +have/has + not + V3 Соал җүмлә
Have/has + S + V3 ?
I have written a letter.
I have not (haven’t) written a letter.
Have I written a letter?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
He has written a letter.
He has not (hasn’t) written a letter.
has he written a letter?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
She has written a letter.
She has not (hasn’t) written a letter.
Has she written a letter?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
It has written a letter.
It has not (hasn’t) written a letter.
Has it written a letter?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.
We have written a letter.
We have not (haven’t) written letter.
Have we written a letter?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
You have written a letter.
You have not (haven’t) written a letter.
Have you written a letter?
Yes, you have.
No, you haven’t.
They have written a letter.
They have not (haven’t) written a letter.
Have they written a letter?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.

Past Perfect tense өткән заманда болған һәрикәт
Past Perfect tense да шәхс яки жүмлә егисиниң түри муһим әмәс.
(to have) ярдәмчи пеили һәммә жүмлә егилиридә had формисида ишлитилиду:
He, she, it
We had + V3

Хәвәр җүмлә
S + had+ V3 Болумсиз җүмлә
S +had+ not + V3 Соал җүмлә
Had + S + V3 ?
I had cooked.

I had written. I had not (hadn’t) cooked.

I hadn’t written. Had I cooked?
Yes, I had
No, I hadn’t
Had I written?
He had cooked.

He had written. He had not (hadn’t) cooked.

He had not (hadn’t) written. Had he cooked?
Yes, he had
No, he hadn’t
Had he written?
She had cooked.

She had written. She had not (hadn’t) cooked.

She had not (hadn’t) written. Had she cooked?
Yes, she had
No, she hadn’t
Had she written?
It had cooked.

It had written. It had not (hadn’t) cooked.

It had not (hadn’t) written. Had it cooked?
Yes, it had
No, it hadn’t
Had it written?
We had cooked.

We had written. We had not (hadn’t) cooked.

We had not (hadn’t) written. Had we cooked?
Yes ,we had
No, we hadn’t
Had we written?
You had cooked.

You had written. You had not (hadn’t) cooked.

You had not (hadn’t) written. Had you cooked?
Yes, you had
No, you hadn’t
Had you written?
They had cooked.

They had written. They had not (hadn’t) cooked.

They had not (hadn’t) written. Had they cooked?
Yes, they had
No, they hadn’t
Had they written?
Future Perfect tense келидиған заманпеили
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + shall\will have + V3 Болумсиз җүмлә
S + shan’t\ won’t have+ V3 Соал җүмлә
Shall\ will + S+ have + V3?
I shall have worked.

I shall have written. I shall not (shan’t) have worked.

I shall not (shan’t) have written. Shall I have worked?
Yes, we shall
No, we shan’t
Shall I have written?
He will have worked.

He will have written. He will not (won’t) have worked.

He will not (won’t) have written. Will he have worked?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t
Will he have written?
She will have worked.

She will have written. She will not (won’t) have worked.

She will not (won’t) have written. Will she have worked?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t
Will she have written?
It will have worked.

It will have written. It will not (won’t) have worked.

It will not (won’t) have written. Will it have worked?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t
Will it have written?
We shall have worked.

We shall have written. We shall not (shan’t) have worked.

We shall not (shan’t) have written. Shall we have worked?
Yes, we shall
No, we shan’t
Shall we have written?
You will have worked.

You will have written. You will not (won’t) have worked.

You will not (won’t) have written. Will you have worked?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t
Will you have written?
They will have worked.

They will have written. They will not (won’t) have worked.

You will not (won’t) have written. Will they have worked?
Yes, they will
No, they won’t
Will they have written?

Perfect Continuous.

«узақ өткән» вақит топи (Perfect Continuous Tenses) һазирқи уақ өткән вақитидин (Present Perfect Continuous Tenses),өткән узақ вақитидин, (Past Perfect Continuous Tenses), вә келидиған узақ вақитидин (Future Perfect Continuous Tenses) туриду.
Perfect Continuous топидики вақитибир ениқ пәйттә башланған һазирқи яки келидиған заманда болған һәрикәтниң узақлиғини билдүрүш үчүн қоллинилиду.

Present Perfect Continuous Tenses
һазирқи узақ вақит пеиллири

Хәвәр җүмлә
S + have/has been+ V ing Болумсиз җүмлә
S +have/has not + been+ V ing Соал җүмлә
Have/has + S + been +V ing ?
I have been working.
I have not (haven’t) been working.
Have I been working?
Yes, I have.
No, I haven’t.
He has been working.
He has not (hasn’t) been working.
has he been working?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
She has been working.
She has not (hasn’t) been working.
has she been working?
Yes, she has.
No, she hasn’t.
It has been working.
It has not (hasn’t) been working.
Has it been working?
Yes, it has.
No, it hasn’t.
We have been working.
We have not (haven’t) been working.
Have we been working?
Yes, we have.
No, we haven’t.
You have been working.
You have not (haven’t) been working.
Have you been working?
Yes, you have.
No, you haven’t.
They have been working.
They have not (haven’t) been working.
Have they been working?
Yes, they have.
No, they haven’t.

Past Perfect Continuous Tenses өткән заман узақ вақит пеиллири
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + had been+ V ing Болумсиз җүмлә
S +had not + been +V ing Соал җүмлә
Had + S + been +V ing ?
I had been working.
I had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had I been working?
Yes, I had.
No, I hadn’t.
He had been working.
He had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had he been working?
Yes, he had.
No, he hadn’t.
She had been working.
She had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had she been working?
Yes, she had.
No, she hadn’t.
It had been working.
It had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had it been working?
Yes, it had.
No, it hadn’t.
We had been working.
We had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had we been working?
Yes, we had.
No, we hadn’t.
You had been working.
You had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had you been working?
Yes, you had.
No, you hadn’t.
They had been working.
They had not (hadn’t) been working.
Had they been working?
Yes, they had.
No, they hadn’t.

Future Perfect Continuous Tenses келидиған заман узақ вақит пеиллири
Хәвәр җүмлә
S + will +have been+ V ing Болумсиз җүмлә
S + will not + have been+ V ing Соал җүмлә
will + S + have been +V ing ?
I shall have been working.
I shall not (shan’t) have been working.
Shall I have been working?
Yes, I shall.
No, I shan’t.
He will have been working.
He will not (won’t) have been working.
Will he have been working?
Yes, he will.
No, he won’t.
She will have been working.
She will not (won’t) have been working.
Will she have been working?
Yes, she will.
No, she won’t.
It will have been working.
It will not (won’t) have been working.
will it have been working?
Yes, it will.
No, it won’t.
We shall have been working.
We shall not (shan’t) have been working.
Shall we have been working?
Yes, we shall.
No, we shan’t.
You will have been working.
You will not (won’t) have been working.
Will you have been working?
Yes, you will.
No, you won’t.
They will have been working.
They will not (won’t) have been working.
Will they have been working?
Yes, they will.
No, they won’t.


Future-in-the-Past өткән замандики келидиған заман
Әгәр беқинда жүмлидики һәрикәт баш жүмлидики һәрикәттин кейин болса өткән әһвалниң келидиған заманини билдүрсә у чағда беқинда жүмлидики пеил Future-in-the-Past-алаһидә формисида ишлитилиду ,өткән замандики келидиған заман would ярдәмчи пеилидин вә to уланмисидин ясилиду:

Future simple Future-in-the-Past
I will do my room.
Мән өзәмниң бөлмисини тазилаймән. He said that he would do his room.
У өзәмниң бөлмәмни тазилаймән дәп ейтти.
Future Continuous Future-in-the-Past
I will be doing my room from 3 or 5.
3 тин 5 чә бөлмәмни тазилаймән. He said that he would be doing his room from 3 or 5.
У 3тин 5 чә өзиниң бөлмисини тазилаймән- деди.
Future Perfect Future-in-the-Past
I will have done my room when you come.
Сән кәлгичә мән бөлмәмни тазилаветимән. He said that he would have done his room when I come.
мән кәлгичә у бөлмисини тазилаветимән деди.
Future Perfect continuous Future-in-the-Past
I will have been doing my room for two hours when you come.
Шу пәйттә,сән кәлгәндә,мән 2саат өз бөлмәмни тазилаймән . He said that he would have been doing his room for two hours when I come.
У мән кәлгән пәйттә 2 саат өз бөлмисини тазилайдиғинини ейтти .

Вақит һаләтлириниң кәштиси
Үч топиға – Simple, Continuous, Perfect.
Simple / Indefinite Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous
Present every, always, often, seldom, sometimes, usually, as a rule, generally, from time to time Now Already, just, ever, never, yet, before, today, this(month, year, week,) since, for Already…for, since
Past Yesterday, the day yesterday, (2 days, 3 years), last ( year, Sunday, lesson) Yesterday at 5 o’clock, yesterday from 5 till 6, yesterday when he came, yesterday the whole evening By….
Before By….
Future Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next (year, week, month), in(2 days) Yesterday at 5 o’clock, yesterday from 5 till 6, yesterday when he came, yesterday the whole evening By….
Before By….
Future-in-the-Past He said that… He said that… He said that… He said that…


Иглиз тилида саатниң етилиши
What time is it?
12 o’ clock
5 minutes 5 past 12
to 12

a quarter aquarter past
to 12 12

20 minutes
to 12
25past 12
Half hast 12
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